Quick and dirty addition, and I’m out the door in 10 minutes. And….GO! I’m sooo getting this for MTG: Help! I’m Married to a Homeschool Mom! A little economics lesson for a Tuesday morning: The Laffer Curve, and a double dose of Milton Friedman: 10 of his best economic quotes and the original “Greed is […]
Today is the first day of the “full schedule Tuesday” that will run through the beginning of November. Occupational therapy, Girl Scouts, softball. And it’s not actually the “full schedule,” next week could add a tee ball and/or a baseball game to the mix. Terrible Tuesday, indeed. Links! On the topic of education, Seth Godin […]
Both my boys have been sick this week. They think the best way to inform me of said sickness is to come into my room and vomit on my bed. Or, as 3 year old Satchmo said, “I burped.” I have a post about social conservatives and small government banging around in my head (making […]
CNBC reports on a Brookings Institute Study on the 15 most recession resistant cities in the U.S. They are (in descending order): Abuquerque NM Washington, DC Des Moines, IA Wichita, KS El Paso, TX Omaha, NE Tulsa, OK Baton Rouge, LA McAllen, TX Little Rock, AR Dallas, TX Austin, TX Houston, TX Oklahoma City, OK […]
Exhibit A: citizens repairs a bridge in eight days after the state says they’ll get to it. . . Certain lifestyle factors such as obesity, underweight, alcohol use, tobacco smoking, and excessive exercise can also lead to infertility in women. order viagra Finasteride is a medicinal drug that is approved by FDA. frankkrauseautomotive.com viagra free […]
Just Wow. Laureen tries to pay for a computer in cash and barely succeeds. Yeah, that’s right. Raise your hips off the ground until your knees, hips, and shoulders appear on a straight buy pfizer viagra line. An example of a non-essential amino acid and its common generic viagra india and effective use in practice. […]
Linky stuff, in no particular order, with no particular category: Sometimes (usually) the cure is painful: Much as it pains me, housing prices need to come down a lot more for the sake of the country. It’s not that the housing market has suddenly gotten sick and needs medicine. It was sick, and it’s getting […]
Will Collier, subbing at Vodkapundit, reminds us that this isn’t the first time a new president has tried to pass an “Oh-God-we’re-all-going-to-die!” stimulus package right off the gates. And he didn’t. And we didn’t die. (If this thing passes, we’ll all be Vodkapundits. Or moonshine pundits.) Did you know that the (actually, truly) bi-partisan Congressional […]
I love Reason, even when I don’t agree with everything printed or filmed. Good stuff. Makes ya think. We ought to do more of that. By the way, do we not remember the not so ancient criticisms of the “rush to war?” “In the rush to war, we did a,b, and c wrong.” “In our […]