I have avoided writing about politics for quite a while for many reasons. The primary one is because I’m a bit of a pessimist, and, frankly, I see the writing on the wall when it comes to the beautiful experiment of a constitutional republic and a nation governed by rule of law. But, though fatally […]
Last night, Little Miss and I participated in the Ace of Spades Decision Desk crowdsourcing of election returns. Which just means we feverishly reloaded government websites and entered numbers into a spreadsheet. So much excitement! We were working on the Texas gubernatorial race, which was a foregone conclusion, but it was still a fun experiment […]
Tomorrow is election day, so I guess I’d better figure out how I’m going to vote. Step one: Find my sample ballot on the county website. Ooh, they’ve revamped it. Fancy! Step two: Note that there is a “SECEDE Kilgore” running for governor on the Republican ballot. Well, okay then. Step three: Pull up voters […]
Today millions of Americans will go to the polls to vote for their choice for elected officials at all levels of government. It has been a long and bitter election season, and we’re all ready for it to be over. But as tiresome as the campaign has become, the privilege of participating in free elections […]
Both my boys have been sick this week. They think the best way to inform me of said sickness is to come into my room and vomit on my bed. Or, as 3 year old Satchmo said, “I burped.” I have a post about social conservatives and small government banging around in my head (making […]
I can’t help it. Ted Kennedy’s seat goes to a Republican. Dem candidate and White House can’t assign blame quick enough. The world has turned upside down. *giggle* I once dated a guy from Massachusetts. And yeah, I was a little ashamed. It resulted in a lower viagra professional generic International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), […]
Next week, (some) Texans will go to the polls to vote on 11 Constitutional Amendments. We’re always voting on amendments because our post-Reconstruction constitution is a veritable straight-jacket. For example, in 1932 this amendment was adopted: For the Constitutional Amendment authorizing counties and cities bordering on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico by a […]
Glenn Reynolds links to this very interesting map of the most gerrymandered congressional districts. (Gerrymandering: shaping districts to ensure a certain electoral outcome.) Not that it’s ever going to happen, because gerrymandering benefits both parties and no one ever surrenders power willingly, but I have come up with an ingenious solution to the problem of […]
No long lines, no campaign workers, no pollster. I was in and out in about 5 minutes. I took the Sprite to vote with me, MTG is taking Little Miss. She wore her crown and I let her vote “no” on the bond issues. I also chose paper over electronic, because of the paranoia. I […]