So . . . Governor Sarah Palin. Don’t laugh or anything, but I like her. I like the idea of her. I like her politics, her speech, and her standing up to the powers that be. I’m one of those conservatives who was going to write in a candidate rather than vote for McCain. (Reagan […]
From elementary through high school, I went to school with a habitual liar. And not just a liar, but a liar who told bad, easily revealed, insult-your-intelligence dumb lies. It would have been amusing had it not been so very sad and pathetic. Well, apparently one of the mayoral candidates is this girl. Reports have […]
We have locals election next week. On the ballot: mayor, city council and school bond. The city council election is easy, only one choice. The mayor is seems to be a race between a stereotypical politician and a cranky old man. (Kinda what we’d expect in November if Hillary manages an upset.) I guess I’ll […]
And an irresponsible one at that. I took my sick kids to infest the polling place today. It was pretty empty, so I don’t feel too guilty. And I think only one of them is sick now, but don’t quote me on that. I also took them to the grocery store, which I wouldn’t have […]
Dana at Principled Discovery to my Captain Underpants suggestion. She posted this link to the Implicit Association Test for Presidential Candidates. The “disclaimer” cracks me up: “If you are unprepared to encounter interpretations that you might find objectionable, please do not proceed further.” Emphasis in the original. I suppose if some confirmed Clinton hater found […]
I’m all bereft of ideas to blog. Actually, that’s not entirely true. I’m bereft of energy to have a coherent series of thoughts. So, I’m weaseling out of actual thought with this email sent by a friend. Everybody play! The following is excerpted from a children’s book, Captain Underpants And the Perilous Plot Professor Poopypants, […]
John Mark Reynolds at The Scriptorium has approved this message, and it made me laugh. But he left out John Edwards. So read the post, then add your John Edwards message. This is mine: “Hey, I’m running for the Democratic nomination, too! I’m white and I’m male Furthermore, it can also lower your blood viagra […]
My very first political campaign was the 1980 presidential election. I distributed flyers for Reagan. I was six and I used my little red wagon. I grew up in a socially conservative house. My mom has been the director of a crisis pregnancy center since I was ten. My first election that I voted in […]