Today Satchmo turns 7. Seven. Seven is no longer a little boy. A young boy, sure. A kid, definitely. But not a little boy. “I’m not a little boy, Mom!” But Satchmo is my youngest, my baby. So this feels harder than the others. Sure, it was bittersweet watching the others get so big and […]
One minute she’s my baby sister, running around in Wonder Woman Underoos and cowboy boots, and the next she’s a brilliant, beautiful, accomplished woman with a family and career and tons of wisdom. Who let that happen? Happy birthday, Carrie. I am blessed to call you sister and friend. It is also used for the […]
At the beginning of this series of posts on fine arts, I explained why I’m spending one day each week focusing on arts (and natures study). I wrote that I’m teaching fine arts (and nature studies) “to provide true and good and beautiful things upon which my children can feast.” That is absolutely still true. […]
Glenn Reynolds, (AKA the Instapundit) and Ann Althouse are having a blog post exchange on the rights and responsibilities of men and women when it comes to sex and parenting, particularly what rights men have when it comes to the children they father. It began with cases of unaccidental pregnancy and the rights and responsibilities […]
I’ve been at my parents’ house helping out after my mom’s knee replacement surgery. One of the things I’ve been focusing on is helping them adapt to a new diet because my dad has recently started dialysis. He also has Type II diabetes, so in addition to avoiding potassium and phosphates, he also has to watch […]
For many years, my dad owned a small business, an auto-electric shop. I worked there through much of my teenage years. I started cleaning, and eventually did the books and delivered parts. I learned a lot from my father in our home, but I probably learned more in the shop. Dad would patiently explain what […]
Language is a good indicator of what a culture values. For example, our dictionary definition of mothering is “the nurturing of an infant or small child by its mother.” Parenting means “the rearing of children.” Fathering means “a male parent.” Mothering is highly valued and appreciated in our culture; when people are sick or […]
Today, my Sprite turns 11. As a little girl, she’s was a mini-Pigpen in sparkles and dresses. She loved to wear dresses, but I always had to make sure she had shorts underneath, because 5 minutes out the door and she’d be hanging upside down or turning cartwheels. We use to call her Hobbit when […]
Today my big brother turns 42. So now he officially has the answer to life, the universe, and everything. Figures. Growing up, I thought my brother was pretty much perfect. He’s brilliant, ambitious, kind, and very likeable. It was irritating. I remember sitting in a movie theater with my little sister waiting for a movie […]