The above picture is from huge Parisian rally the night of the attacks on Charlie Hebdo. At yesterday’s huge rally, American journalist Jake Tapper tweeted: This father and son wanted me to show you their sign. #JeSuisCharlie — Jake Tapper (@jaketapper) January 11, 2015 The female partner remains dissatisfied and annoyed as she […]
For our history studies, we use “living books” — i.e. not textbooks — and are basically just reading through American history. Now granted these books, especially those we use for the boys, are not 300-page, in-depth studies of all the twists, turns, events, and people who make our history. They’re 40-60 page summations that hit […]
Over a quarter of a million people joined the March on Washington for civil rights, a sight that still inspires. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave one of the most famous speeches in history, and probably the most famous of the 20th century, and it was actually partially spontaneous. Typically the sciatica nerve discomfort takes […]
On July 4, 1804, Captains Lewis and Clark and the rest of the Corps of Discovery celebrated the first Independence Day west of the Mississippi by firing off their cannon. They were at the beginning of a grand adventure that was the first steps in opening the West to their countrymen. In addition to this […]
There is a little town in West Texas that had a ridiculous speed limit: 25 miles per hour. A two stop light town complete with Dairy Queen, it is but a blip on the 65 mile-per-hour highway. Needless to say, the local sheriff department makes quite a tidy sum from travelers along the highway. Often […]
A free people does not allow it’s government to regulate soda sizes. A free people does not stand by while government bureaucrats randomly drug test 11 year olds. A free people doesn’t accept foolish regulations to shut down community pools. A free people doesn’t allow a hard working honors student to be jailed for failure […]
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“Free” health care, “Free” cash for (not exactly) clunkers, “Free” government stimulus money. People! It’s NOT free! It’s other people’s money.It’s your money filtered through a government bureaucracy and a much smaller amount returned with a multitude of strings attached. discount cialis In fact, they remain silent to their female partner as well. Most […]
This past week, I’ve been at Girl Scout camp. I haven’t had any time to blog, and very little to stay on top of what’s happening in the world at large. So my grasp on what’s been happening in Iran has been hit or miss. So today, I’ve been catching up on the details. It’s […]
Here’s an interesting report ranking states based on economic and personal freedoms their citizens enjoy (Or don’t. I’m looking at you New York!) Texas is 5th overall and only does poorly in regulatory policy (27th.) So I guess we don’t have to move this year! (Kidding MTG! We’ll never move again.) It looks like an […]