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    Terrible Tuesday: Here we go again

    Terrible Tuesday: Here we go again

    Yes, it’s April fool’s day. Yes, you’re very clever and funny with all your tricks and pranks. Don’t even think about it. I’m-watching-you links! A Little Typographical Rant. Preach! How to use worm poop (in your garden.) It also boosts up the health and functioning of your reproductive organs. viagra free http://www.learningworksca.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/014-calculating-cost-remedial-placement-analytics-2.pdf Here at this […]

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    Making progress

    Making progress

    We’re halfway through spring cleaning week (spring break is for the weak!), and we’ve made decent progress. Yesterday we worked in the garden. I didn’t tackle the disaster from the plumbing kerfuffle because I’m going to need some muscle in the form of MTG to handle the clay mess. Ugh, Texas clay, I loathe thee. […]

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    Cultivating war

    Cultivating war

    I’ve been busy all day, cultivating my garden and my people, sometimes simultaneously!  I am forever on the lookout for tips to making gardening work with my laissez faire style. And I’ve found some tips, like my ollas and this very cool method of irrigating with wine bottles.  But the truth is, all gardening takes […]

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    Olla! Olla! Olla!

    Olla! Olla! Olla!

    My gardening efforts heretofore have been dismal.  Mainly, I forget about to water the poor little veggies, and they wilt under the relentless Texas sun.  I think my main problem is that I’m not committed to my garden, heart and soul. I want to care enough to go tend it every day, I just… don’t. […]

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  • I’m a farmer!

    This year, I’m determined to grow something in my garden, dangit!  In Virginia, I’d open my back door sometime in the spring, toss some seeds in the general direction of my small patio garden, and 3 months later start bringing in a respectable harvest. Texas? Texas mocks me.  We’re at the front end of a […]

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