I was fifteen when the Berlin Wall fell. I remember watching the newscasts. At least I think I remember watching; maybe I’m remembering watching them in school after the event. But I’m pretty sure I watched it on the evening news. Everybody watched the evening news in those days if you can believe that. My […]
Bulldozer turns 9 today. Nine! How did that even happen? It. Goes. So. Fast. He’s getting a Kindle for his birthday. He knows he’s getting it, and he even picked out the case for it, but I told him if doesn’t act surprised I won’t give it to him. We have to maintain our little […]
From the sane world of Germany: At least seven U.S. citizens working as researchers in Germany have faced criminal probes in recent months for using the title “Dr.” on their business cards, Web sites and resumes. They all hold doctoral degrees from elite universities back home. Smoking Alcoholism Medication Diseases Cancer Diabetes, Destabilized hormones Stress […]