Since we’ve gone gluten free for the boys, quiche is almost non-existent on our menu. Which is a crying shame, since it’s one meal everyone will eat without (too much) grumbling. I can do special gluten free pie crust, but that takes the “fast and easy” out of the fast and easy meal. So it […]
I have posted some on the challenges of the GFCF diets, but I haven’t mentioned the benefits. Like sleep. Glorious, beautiful, all-night long sleep. In our initial back and forth with the GFCF diet, we took off Satchmo with the rest of us. Since I was focused on the Bulldozer, I hadn’t been paying that […]
Okay, it’s not the first time I’ve bitten off more than I can chew. The whole “GFCF” household? Might be more than our budget can handle. Okay, definitely is more than our budget can handle. For the record, it’s only my four year old Bulldozer who needs(?) the GFCF diet. We are trying it to […]
Today, I have had an epiphany about gfcf food- bread in particular. (Perhaps I should have kept this moment until next Wednesday, AKA the Feast of Epiphany. But I didn’t. Pthhh!) Anyway, my epiphany. First, I need to start with stuff that we’re familiar with that is already close to gluten free. Save the fancy […]
The first day is done and everybody ate and like it, mostly. The gf bread didn’t rise, and looked, smelled and tasted weird, but the kids liked it. I also made crackers with the same dough and that was better. The cornbread recipe I had called for a gf all purpose flour, which I did […]
Tuesday, I met with the nutritionist as a first step to going gluten and casein free (GFCF). This has been a long time coming and frankly, probably should have been one of the first moves we made when we started the sensory processing disorder journey a year and a half ago. But we didn’t. Moving […]
Warning: this post deals with poop and vomit. We think the Bulldozer has food sensitivities, definitely to milk, perhaps also to gluten. So we are doing a two-week gluten free, casein free (GFCF) diet for the little guy, just in time for his birthday. Woo-hoo. When I first weaned him (at about 13 months) he […]