A heartbreaking letter from a young girl to her older self is making the rounds on the internet. The letter isn’t heartbreaking because of it’s content, but rather because the twelve-year-old girl unexpectedly died and her parents found the letter while going through her belongings. Taylor Smith sounds like a remarkable person and it’s easy […]
The beauty of the intimacy the Christian has with God is inextricably linked with the wonders of a transcendent God who breaches the gap between the eternal and omnipotent to reach the finite and fragile. It’s the fact that the God of Job is also the Shepherd, the Shelterer. The wonder of the Incarnation is […]
You’ve probably seen the story of Pastor Jeremiah Steepek, who went to the church at which he was guest speaking disguised as a homeless man. It’s very convicting and whatnot. And completely made up. Dear people, stop making stuff up and stop stealing stories. Because the real story is more interesting. The real story is […]
How is this good? Then Pilate took Jesus and flogged him. And the soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head and arrayed him in a purple robe. They came up to him, saying, “Hail, King of the Jews!” and struck him with their hands. Pilate went out again and […]
I’m putting my toe back in the blog waters and picking up a very hot topic: CPAC, GOProud, FRC and CWA. (Or was that picking up the alphabet?) It’s a sticky wicket and I’m very likely to offend some or all who read this post. (Good thing I get almost no traffic, huh?) It’s a […]
Read this excellent post by Dan Phillips over at Pyromaniacs. (“Over at” tee hee. You take a right at I monk and slow down when you see The old Challies place, the road’s just there on the right.”) Anyhoo, back to the very good post on how he responded to a visit from two Mormons. […]