Sometimes you come across something so unbelievable stupid, you want to facepalm, smack the fool out of people, and bless their hearts all at the same time. For example: Um. <blinking eyes rapidly> — Mollie (@MZHemingway) January 28, 2015 For example with buy cialis line this is something you will probably need to buy […]
The Justice Department does something I like! It’s madness! Attorney General Eric Holder announced the (almost) end of a program called Equitable Sharing, when state law enforcement seize private property under civil assets forfeiture and turns it over to the feds, who then kick back up to 80% to the state and local law enforcement. […]
When I first started homeschooling, people would ask, “They let you do that?” I had to work to keep calm when answering, not because I was irritated at the questioner, but because of the too-common assumptions behind the question. “They” (the government) “let” (gives their consent to) “you” (Me: a private, free citizen) “do that?” […]
*This post contains affiliated links Title: The Weed Agency: A Comic Tale of Federal Bureaucracy Without Limits Author: Jim Geraghty What’s it about: This book is the epitome of fake but accurate. It’s the non-factual, true story of an imaginary federal agency that tells the real history of government corruption, incompetence, and general tomfoolery. Geraghty […]
Two decades ago, I had the pleasure of working with a Viet Nam vet while lobbying on health care rationing for the National Right to Life Committee. He told me then that the Veterans Administration health care system was awful and he avoided it like the plague. When he told me that, I just assumed […]
This month marks two remarkable anniversaries in American history, although remarkable for quite different reasons. The first (or second chronologically, but first in our hearts and minds) is the anniversary of the moon landing. On July 20, 1969, Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, and Michael Collins were the first of the most elite group of humans: […]
Traveling links! 1984 was a big year in cinematic history. I was 10, so I only saw Star Trek and Karate Kid. (Plus the movie we agreed to pretend didn’t happen: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom.) Leawood, Kansas: on the front lines protecting the citizenry against 9-year-olds and their evil agenda of literacy […]
Yes, it’s April fool’s day. Yes, you’re very clever and funny with all your tricks and pranks. Don’t even think about it. I’m-watching-you links! A Little Typographical Rant. Preach! How to use worm poop (in your garden.) It also boosts up the health and functioning of your reproductive organs. viagra free Here at this […]
My friend Jimmie tweeted this awesome picture about the latest government kerfuffle. Yes, the GOP rolled over again on borrowing more money. Same story, different day. Blah blah blah. George Santayana famously said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” On the other hand, perhaps I see too much of the […]
The Olympics are always tinged with controversy, and this year’s event is no different. There are serious and legitimate concerns about the Russian government’s abuse of their people, terrorist threats, and the media acting as propaganda and covering it all up. As was the case at the Beijing Olympics, activists say that the Olympics allow […]