Or back to whatever it is we call this thing. “Back to more structured educational schedule, with less lounging about?” Today, my Washington Times Communities article is on educators and educational fair use of copyrighted material. And homeschooler, if you think this doesn’t affect you, you’re wrong. Listen, you might think our intellectual property rights […]
Warning: I’ve got my ranting pants on. The White House is working with a dozen different federal agencies to form “nudge squads” of “Behavioral Insights Teams” to “nudge” Americans into “correct” ways of living. From the Behavioral Insights Team document: “The federal government is currently creating a new team that will help build federal capacity […]
Today in my Between Errands column I talk about America’s part-time state legislatures. I know, fascinating, but stay with me. Most states have a part-time legislature, or at least a less than full time. You can find the full breakdown here. It’s interesting that they include campaigning for re-election as part of the “work” of […]
Detroit, once one of the nation’s most prosperous city, has declared bankruptcy. It’s sad, but not at all surprising. Like many municipalities, Detroit is struggling under the burden of unfunded and underfunded pensions, as well as other debt. This one chart paints the picture pretty well: Detroit has about half the population it did at […]
Last week, I briefly mentioned the Internet Sales Tax being considered in Congress — it actually already passed the House of Representatives. It is scheduled to be voted on in the Senate today. So this is the thing, I’m not sure I oppose the idea of all internet sales taxes. Currently, an internet business must […]
Yesterday, my heart was too full for the frivolity and fun of links. My prayers are with the families of little Martin Richard, Krystal Campbell, and the other as yet unnamed victim Lu Lingzi, as well as all of the injured and their families. As awful as it is at a time like this, it’s […]
By now, even the most politically oblivious has heard the word “Sequester” and rumblings that these “spending cuts” could be the worst thing ever since ever. To prove the point, ICE released hundreds of illegal immigrants, the Pentagon is canceling the deployment of an aircraft carrier to the Persian Gulf, and thousands of federal workers […]
Did you know that during prohibition, our government was responsible for the poisoning deaths of as many as 10,000 people? They poisoned industrial alcohol which was frequently stolen and resold as drinkable spirits. Of course, we know from history what the utter, disastrous, dear-Lord-what-where-they-thinking failure prohibition was, but this is beyond the standard unintended consequences. […]
This delightful bit of video has conservatives in arms. “Government is the only thing we all belong to.” Really? Were you people asleep in high school American History? I don’t belong to the government, the government belongs to me. That’s what the whole Revolutionary War was about: the consent of the governed and the right […]
A friend shared this quote by Penn Jillette on Facebook, so I stole it. Er… “shared” it. I heartily agree with the main point that charity isn’t charity if compelled and being generous with other people’s time, property, or labor isn’t anywhere close to actual generosity. But the line that started me thinking (cue […]