I have not been watching many of the Republican debates. First, there are so dang many of them, and they are barely touching the most serious issues our nation faces (15% real unemployment, $15 Trillion in debt, $1 Trillion deficit, etc.). Second the Republicans as a whole have to be the most inept politicians ever. […]
I just realized the first couple of months of my old blog “Question the Culture” didn’t transfer (April through June 2007). With Rick Perry entering the presidential race, there’s been renewed discussion of his push to make the HPV vaccine mandatory. I have serious issues with that-his apology not withstanding-but this isn’t specifically about that. […]
I want to try something new for Sunday blogging. I know some people do hymn posts, or thankful posts, or inspirational posts, but hello? Have you met me? So this is the deal: I want to propose a dilemma and discuss what the appropriate response is for Christians. A couple of “ground rules”: This is […]
Have you heard the latest holiday trend? If you choose to fly this year, the TSA will either irradiate and take a naked picture of you OR perform an invasive physical exam where every part of your body, or your child’s body, is touched and prodded. Merry Christmas! Acai’s benefits to the circulatory system include […]
ED is not only a penile greyandgrey.com levitra generic vardenafil problem – Though you may think that ED is only a penile issue, the fact is that ED can be an indicator of kidney dysfunction. Former Republican National Committee Chairman Ed Gillespie (2003-2005) authored an op-ed piece in buy viagra the Washington Examiner titled “National […]
Both my boys have been sick this week. They think the best way to inform me of said sickness is to come into my room and vomit on my bed. Or, as 3 year old Satchmo said, “I burped.” I have a post about social conservatives and small government banging around in my head (making […]
The numbers are staggering. In 1970 one in 400 American adults was behind bars or on parole. As of 2008, the number was one in 100. Add in probation, and it’s one in 31. “More Democracy, More Incarceration” by Radley Balko Compulsion is a curious resource. It offers diminishing returns. It is diluted by dissent […]
First, let me say that everybody should fill out the census. The census is very important. The census is fundamental to our representative democracy. Article 1, Section 2 of the Constitution says, “[An] Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent […]
Here’s a bill I could actually support. It addresses the actual problem of health insurance affordability while not imposing huge economic burdens or more government bureaucracies. Also, ONE PAGE LONG! Woo-hoo! Won’t have any “read the bill” problems there. No, it doesn’t address everything wrong with the health care system, and there would probably still […]