Tim Hawkins is hilarious and the master of parody. He gave us A Homeschool Family, the Chick-fil-a song, and now this masterpiece. It’s funny til Kamagra Tablets: – Kamagra tablets can be obtained in tablet, soft tablet and jelly form, making it suitable for prescription for them. purchase sildenafil This online viagra pharmacy is because […]
“Free” health care, “Free” cash for (not exactly) clunkers, “Free” government stimulus money. People! It’s NOT free! It’s other people’s money.It’s your money filtered through a government bureaucracy and a much smaller amount returned with a multitude of strings attached. amerikabulteni.com discount cialis In fact, they remain silent to their female partner as well. Most […]
and I’m thinking he needs to pick up the pace a bit. But this was worth the wait. This cartoon has a similar scary message. (ht a dozen different places.) Well, we’re so excited about those boys on American Idol and the interesting British lady with a pretty voice that we don’t notice our government […]
A familiar construct in sci-fi and fantasy is the induced utopia story. Everyone is living a passive, happy life, nothing bothers them. It’s all very nice, and not quite right. Then somebody snaps out of it (or was never affected in the first place) and saves the day for the messy, rambunctions disorderly humans. (Face […]
Oh wait, I’m already here. Yay! (For non-Texans–bless your hearts–this is what Davy Crockett reportedly said this to his former constituents after he lost his re-election bid for the House of Representatives. Crockett later died at the Alamo.) Texas state legislators have introduced a resolution reminding the federal government about that whole tenth amendment. You […]
Exhibit A: citizens repairs a bridge in eight days after the state says they’ll get to it. . . Certain lifestyle factors such as obesity, underweight, alcohol use, tobacco smoking, and excessive exercise can also lead to infertility in women. order viagra Finasteride is a medicinal drug that is approved by FDA. frankkrauseautomotive.com viagra free […]
This is why I’m going to the Tea Party Protest: “Fiscal rescue” now approaches the value last years gross domestic product: $12.8 trillion ($12,800,000,000,000). Last year’s GDP was $14.9 trillion ($14,200,000,000,000). Meaning the government has “spent, lent or committed” the almost as much as our entire economy produced last year. (Anytime you hear X trillion […]
Here’s an interesting report ranking states based on economic and personal freedoms their citizens enjoy (Or don’t. I’m looking at you New York!) Texas is 5th overall and only does poorly in regulatory policy (27th.) So I guess we don’t have to move this year! (Kidding MTG! We’ll never move again.) It looks like an […]
This is me in September 2007 You walk into a restaurant and scan your “health card.” The server presents you with a menu based on the data from that card. If your relatively fit, you receive a menu with steak on it. When you order the steak, the server tells you that your health profile indicates […]