This post may contain affiliated links It’s Groundhog Day in most of the United States and Armadillo Day in Texas. Of course. Bee Cave Bob, Texas’ prognosticator, likes to sleep in, and we won’t know if we’ll have an early spring till 12:30. At least it’s not high noon; that would really put a damper […]
It should be a feast with sausage-based foods (i.e. ground hog) and viewing of the Groundhog Day, which is one of the most profound movies of all time. And if you do nothing else to mark this day, you should read Jonah Goldberg’s great treatise on the film. (Yes, even if you don’t finish this […]
I realize this is a high holy day in the football religion. Lots of pomp. Lots of circumstance. Lots of messing with my traditions. Today I like to eat sausage-themed foods, pay too much attention to the habits of a Yankee rodent, and watch one of the finest holiday/philosophical/themes for a generation (that’d be Gen […]
May you enjoy sausage pizza (or other sausage-inspired food of your Signals for sex come from mind and the heart viagra price page link prepares the body for the exciting physical game. This medicine will become effective 1 hour after taking the pill line viagra and can last about four hours. Marriages and relationships […]