When I first heard about fidget devices (which were different than the spinners that are the current craze), I considered getting one for my highly distractable child. In the end, I decided against it. Not because I don’t think having his hands occupied is be useful, but because I think that there’s a better option to […]
“Again, we know that the human hand is a wonderful and exquisite instrument to be used in a hundred movements exacting delicacy, direction and force; every such movement is a cause of joy as it leads to the pleasure of execution and the triumph of success. We begin to understand this and make some efforts […]
I’ve recently taken up crochet, which is much easier for me than knitting. Knitting makes me curse. Crochet makes me curse less. You know how when you get a new interest or hobby, everyone around you has to pay? Well this year, I drew my niece’s name for our gift exchange, so she gets the […]
A few years back, my girls wanted to learn how to crochet. Since I hadn’t the foggiest notion how to crochet, I did the obvious thing: I bought them a book. Between that book, Youtube videos, and asking more capable friends and family members, they taught themselves to crochet. And then went on to teach […]
We’re coming to the end of our Fine Arts Friday. Not the study of fine arts, mind you, or even posts on this blog. However, this is the end to our having a single day to focus on fine arts. Fridays will now be devoted to enrichment classes for the younger three. Little Miss has […]
The finished product, although we need to figure out how to make the teeth stiff. Starch, maybe? You can use this herbal oil for regular massage without any fear of harmful side effects associated with viagra pills for women the procedure. The blood in the muscles of the penis is also getting increasingly popular as […]
This past week, we’ve been cleaning, organizing and painting. The boys haven’t helped with the painting, but the rest of the work has been a family affair. One of the things Charlotte Mason advocated that needs translation to modern times was teaching children handicrafts. We tend to think of handicrafts as just “crafts,” the second […]
This post contains affiliated links. We’re having a craft day with friends today. Sometimes we’ll have a theme or specific projects planned. Today, other than some yarn bookmarks, we just pulled out all our craft stuff and let the kids have at it. Sprite is making bracelets with the Rainbow Loom. Bulldozer is making custom […]
Since the beginning of our homeschooling journey, I’ve always been a bit gun-shy of crafts. When the kids were younger, it wasn’t that big of an issue, because preschool arts and crafts are about the level of my skill. But there are a lot of grotesquely creative homeschooling moms. Their craft projects original, interesting, and […]