“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
Cribbed from The Common Room’s Facebook Page — a thoroughly likable page. (Hint hint.) “‘Education is the Science of Relations’; that is, that a child has natural relations with a vast number of things and thoughts: so we train him upon physical exercises, nature lore, handicrafts, science and art, and upon many living books, for we […]
I’ve been battling a nasty cold for the past week or so. This morning, it sucker punched me by taking my voice. Great. For my girls, this won’t be too big of a deal. I’ve instructed them through elaborate interpretive dance to keep their cell phones handy so I can text them. I can answer […]
(This post contains affiliated links.) A lot has been said about Common Core, from the problems with the standards themselves to the dangers of data mining. While it doesn’t directly affect homeschool students, the data collection and shifting standardized tests to common core standards will probably have some impact on homeschoolers. For me, one of the […]
Ah, September and the back to school bliss even when we don’t go to school. We’re starting new everything this month, so I thought I’d cover the music we’re listening to this week. Our composer this term is Franz Joseph Haydn. We read this short bio geared to kids, and we found Austria on the […]
This is our 9th year of homeschooling, if you count kindergarten. Of course, as any parent can tell you, kids start learning in utero and turn their wide eyes toward the sound of daddy’s voice the moment they hear it unfiltered by the lub-lub of mom’s heart. Then there’s the walking and talking and shoving […]
Emphasis on tentative. For fine arts, we generally follow the Ambleside schedule for art, music (composer, folk song, and hymns) and poetry. Ambleside works on a 3-term schedule, starting in September. We generally follow that, but we do some fine arts “pick up” work in the summer. I want to have a set schedule for […]
This past weekend we spent a lot of time organizing our homeschool stuff and throwing out a lot of old papers. OLD papers. Papers that originated in Virginia, where we haven’t lived since February 2007. Out with the old, in with …well, not a lot new. I guess technically I’m “planning” our upcoming school year, […]
Mid-July isn’t the best time for thinking. Frankly it’s too dang hot to engage any muscle, including the brain. But you can listen to music and look at pretty paintings without much effort, so today’s fine arts post is a bit of random beauty. We haven’t faithfully followed the Ambleside schedule for folk songs, so […]
This post isn’t about fine arts as much as about creating the space needed to reflect on the goodness, beauty, and truth we seek to instill. Growing up, this was about the point of summer where the boredom really began to set in. In the olden days before video games (well, we had an Atari, […]