“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
Over the course of two years, we’re studying American history in our homeschool. We’ve been stuck Lewis and Clark for what seems like forever because of travel and camp and convention. Honestly, I haven’t minded because it’s such a fascinating adventure. A couple of years ago, I read Undaunted Courage by Stephen Ambrose and was […]
Since the beginning of our homeschooling journey, I’ve always been a bit gun-shy of crafts. When the kids were younger, it wasn’t that big of an issue, because preschool arts and crafts are about the level of my skill. But there are a lot of grotesquely creative homeschooling moms. Their craft projects original, interesting, and […]
This week is scout day camp week, where I’m going with the boys and MTG is volunteering at the girl’s camp. Yeah, go with it. I’m also getting ready to leave for an extended stay at my parents. What I’m saying is don’t expect much meat. In fact, just consider this random thoughts blogging week. […]
Our culture has a tendency to shy away from poetry. We think it’s either too hard to understand or disdain it as something for intellectuals and angsty teen girls. We no longer even use the word “poetry.” Now it’s “spoken word.” Pshaw. You’re a poet, and you know it. Poetry is really just storytelling. In […]
We are the brand of homeschoolers that have permanently rejected the public school model. There are homeschoolers who prefer homeschooling to public schools, but make their educational choices year by year. For a variety of reasons and a couple of big ones, we’ve ruled out public education entirely for our family. I have two big […]
We’re going to call last week’s post “The prologue.” This will actually be the introductory post for what I hope to do in these “Fine Arts Friday” posts. As I explained in the prologue, now that our fine arts co-op is permanently winding down, I want to keep up with our fine arts studies at […]
The Texas legislature meets every other year for 140 days (in regular session, special sessions can also be called.) This limits the mischief they can achieve, but it also means that all the damage they do inflict happens fast and furiously. I fully intended to be aware of all the goings-on in Austin this year, […]
Next year, my oldest child will be in 8th grade, which means I have one year to prepare to homeschool a high school student. Homeschooling through high school brings up all sorts of anxieties, not only because of the challenges of high school, but because you also have to prepare both your child for college–mentally, […]
Today is the last day of our fine arts co-op, and we won’t be doing it again next year. For the past two years, we’ve attended two different co-ops dedicated to studying fine arts in a manner consistent with Charlotte Mason’s philosophy. These co-ops have focused on the things that normally get pushed aside when […]
I’m one of those weird creatures who has homeschooled since the beginning. In fact, before we were married, I knew I wanted to homeschool my kids. So I had a longer time than many to look at what homeschooling was and how we would implement it in our family. I have, however, talked to lots […]