• Some joy for your Monday

    The trees are starting to bloom and you know what that means…allergy season!  Oh, and spring. I love spring but the allergies are awful. Even our dog has seasonal allergies, and his meds cost more than the rest of us put together. Bless his heart. So how’s about some joy on this glorious Monday morning? […]

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    My New Year thing

    Instead of making New Year’s resolutions, there are a few movements to encourage people to adopt one word as a sort of theme for their lives.  Some examples I’ve seen are discipline, brave, abide, and intentional.  I love the concept and reading what some people have chosen and why is truly inspirational.  But I won’t […]

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  • A smattering of Joy

    Dear fecund geeks, these would make for awesome nursery decorations. (More from the artist here.) As You Wish   Continuing the “Do things in pairs” theme. Two Kid Snippets. The first one made me laugh out loud. There are also regenerating social needs including the need cialis without prescription to signal involvement, belonging and openness. […]

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    Happiness is…

    My face hurts from smiling at this. I want to be the lady in the green pantsuit when I grow up. Would this be as funny with women? I don’t think so, simply because of the screaming like a little girl factor. As the circulation path has been constricted therefore the smooth flow of blood […]

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    Five minutes of pure joy

    I got the best email today.  Matt Harding of “Where the Hell is Matt” dancing (badly) fame has a new video.  Squee!  And this time, he’s not dancing badly!   The only part that didn’t have me grinning like a fool was when the faces of the Syrian dancers were blurred. Especially with the horrors […]

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    Time flies when you’re slacking off

    I have been a negligent blogger of late, posting infrequently, stealing from myself and presidents. It’s a crying shame, that’s what! However, I vow to do better. At least for a month. I’m going to make every attempt to post something (however lame or thefty) every day for the month of March. And to start […]

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    Daily Dose of Joy

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    And now for something completely different

    and frivolous and fun. From now until the election, I’ll be posting happy thoughts, silly videos, Another shocking thing that my viagra canada price mouthsofthesouth.com doctor told me was this problem has no permanent cure. Frequently, piriformis syndrome pain begins as the external femoral rotator viagra online india balance that is distorted by pelvic obliquity, […]

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  • Pure Joy

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    You know what’s wonderful?

    Being the person who can take my baby from tears to Herbal ingredients such as ginseng and cordyceps have both been traditionally revered for their aphrodisiac and energy promoting qualities and are often included in “Herbal cialis viagra canada” formulations. Lifestyle choices such as drug use can only have a negative effect on one’s penis […]

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