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    Unequal protection

    Unequal protection

    Just when you thought it was safe to ignore Washington for the summer, more scandals and reports of government misconduct are circling. This time, the Justice Department has been caught having secretly subpoenaed the phone records of Associated Press reporters. In investigating a leak over a story on North Korea’s nuclear program, the department searched the […]

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    The pendelum swings both ways

    The pendelum swings both ways

    When I was in high school and college, I had a number of teachers and professors who loved Voltaire’s* famous quote, “I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it!” (Always stated in grand tones, sweeping gestures.) That’s been replaced with the pithier: “Faster pussycat, kill, […]

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    Texas Legislative Mini-Round Up UPDATED

    Texas Legislative Mini-Round Up UPDATED

    The Texas legislature meets every other year for 140 days (in regular session, special sessions can also be called.) This limits the mischief they can achieve, but it also means that all the damage they do inflict happens fast and furiously.  I fully intended to be aware of all the goings-on in Austin this year, […]

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    Telethon for Liberty

    For just shy of 13 hours on Wednesday and into Thursday morning, Senator Rand Paul held an honest to God filibuster. Not one of those namby-pamby fake filibusters where all you have to do is get 40 senators to say, “Yeah, yeah, we’re having a filibuster,” and then they all go on with their lives. […]

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    At the point of a gun (UPDATED)

    A friend shared this quote by Penn Jillette on Facebook, so I stole it.  Er… “shared” it.   I heartily agree with the main point that charity isn’t charity if compelled and being generous with other people’s time, property, or labor isn’t anywhere close to actual generosity.  But the line that started me thinking (cue […]

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    If you would be free, act like it.

    A free people does not allow it’s government to regulate soda sizes. A free people does not stand by while government bureaucrats randomly drug test 11 year olds. A free people doesn’t accept foolish regulations to shut down community pools. A free people doesn’t allow a hard working honors  student to be jailed for failure […]

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    Repost: No there shouldn’t

    I just realized the first couple of months of my old blog “Question the Culture” didn’t transfer (April through June 2007). With Rick Perry entering the presidential race, there’s been renewed discussion of his push to make the HPV vaccine mandatory. I have serious issues with that-his apology not withstanding-but this isn’t specifically about that. […]

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    So, I was wrong

    Last fall when I wrote about the TSA molestations (Yeah, I’m gonna use that loaded term. It’s what they are. Deal or don’t read.), I figured it would be a temporary thing because Americans would never put up with this kabuki theater. Once our moms and grandmas started getting felt up, once our grandfather’s urine […]

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    My boyfriend’s back

    and I’m thinking he needs to pick up the pace a bit. But this was worth the wait. This cartoon has a similar scary message. (ht a dozen different places.) Well, we’re so excited about those boys on American Idol and the interesting British lady with a pretty voice that we don’t notice our government […]

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