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    Terrible Tuesday: The month of ME!

    Is everyone enjoying their April? My in-laws have been visiting from Minnesota for the past week and the weather has been gorgeous. They leave today and tomorrow it will be rainy with a high of 50. How very like April. “April is the cruellest month, breeding Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing Memory and […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Just a Tuesday

    Summer is going too fast and my to-do list isn’t getting any shorter. Perhaps that’s because I keep adding to it. Links? Sometimes things are “traditional” and “old fashioned” because they work.  Families with married parents do much better than families headed by single moms. Um, duh. Beyond the basic reality of many hands make […]

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    Terrible Tuesday, squash edition

    We picked up our CSA box today and it’s a squashapalooza! (And tomatoes. Including the yummy cherry tomatoes I took out of the box to snack on before snapping the picture.) Leave your squash recipes in the comments. And… links! Geekery! Taking Legos to the new extremes. How the states got their names. (Also wonderful, […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Vacation Edition

    We are in Minnesota this week visiting MTG’s family.  In our over 1000 miles of driving (so far) we have seen 1,000,000 corn fields, 250,000 soybean fields, 1 sunflower field and 1 wheat field. Those first two may be slight exagerations, but the last two are cold, hard, depressing facts. Thanks, Nixon. You scurvy dog. […]

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    Terrible Tuesday, too dang hot edition

    There seems to be too many digits in our temperature lately.  Somebody fix that. Links! Price controls, regulations, and general interference by the federal government has lead to shortages in drugs. Who’d a thought? (Oh yeah, anyone with a brain.) Our periodic rage inducing TSA link, agent spills a man’s grandfather’s ashes and laughs. Okay, […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Summer Edition

    Ah, the lazy hazy days of summer. Hey! My days aren’t lazy! I demand a refund!  Alas, one more week before I can become an official summer bum. This week we have Girl Scout Twilight Camp, which is a lot of fun, but also tons of work and exhausting. So bunch of  links before I […]

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    Terrible Tuesday, the Cat Edition

    No, not funny pictures of a cat with silly captions.  The kind where you find out your cat needs his Magnificent Tail amputated a.nd then find out that may not be possible because he may have “significant heart disease.”  That sort of Cat Edition. Sigh This is an all-visual Terrible Tuesday.  I’ve got no energy […]

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    Terrible Tuesday

    I’m busy, busy, busy and I’ve got a lot to do.  So I’m just gonna jump into links. And boy howdy do I have links. If anyone tells you government regulations don’t cost jobs, first kick them in the shin and second show them this. Costly Obamacare requirements lead to hospitals laying off healthcare workers. […]

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    Terrible Tuesday

    It’s the first Terrible Tuesday of 2012. The first Monday hit me with a sucker punch of 5 hours to do a stupid math lesson that wasn’t even that hard, it just required a little effort, and are your freaking kidding me? 2012 is a starting out on the wrong foot. Do not mess with […]

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    Who’s that writing?

    John the Revelator! It’s the Third Day of Christmas, home of three French Hens and Feast Day of John the Revelator. (Thanks for the heads up, Blaine!) I tried to find the electric version, but there isn’t anything of good quality online. This is a taste, but obviously doesn’t do him justice. But if you […]

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