• Tired after Tuesday

    A variation on Terrible Tuesday, because yesterday was so jammed packed, I didn’t get to a simple link post. And I don’t have that many links! I also learned that in the year of our Lord 2011, some people are still unaware of the varied means of communication–emails, texts, phone, carrier pigeons– to let people […]

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    Terrible Tuesday

    The less terrible edition. Because today we only had occupational therapy and while Little Miss has a softball double header, MTG is doing that while I’m eating popcorn and watching a Peanuts Christmas movie with the other three. What? Links!  Mixing some controversial with noncontroversial this week. Because that’s how I roll. I’m not sure […]

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    Terrible Tuesday

    Actually, this Tuesday wasn’t very terrible, thanks mostly to the delightfully named SooperMexican who reminded me that no matter how incompetent I am, I’m covered by the Grace of God. Best. God. Evah! But still, I have GOT to get better at blogging, so LINKS! (Incidentally, I’m listening live to the Delivery and Jimmie is […]

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    Terrible Tuesday

    My 9 year old daughter decided to give herself a hair cut. Now her bangs are 1″ long and crooked. Yep, it’s Tuesday. (I thought she grew out of this at 3. Aren’t they supposed to grow out of this?) Links! I found a yummy blueberry muffin recipe today, so that’s a plus. But… you […]

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    Terrible Tuesday, whiney edition

    “Hey kids, we’ll go to the pool after we have our chores done!” “Children, you need to do as your told or no pool.” “Last warning, disobedience means we will not swim today.” Sigh. “Give me the DS.” So… We’re not going to the pool today. The sounds of whine are deafening. I am not […]

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    Terrible Tuesday

    For some reason, Tuesdays are the hardest day of my week. They aren’t necessarily the busiest (although during the school year, they do give me a run for the money), but they are hard. Tuesday after a holiday weekend? Forget about it. So I’m instituting Terrible Tuesday: All links, all the time. Ahem. An fantastic […]

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  • Beware the links of March

    Fifteen days into my “blog every day in March” challenge, I have hit a wall. So I’ll do what all good bloggers do: link-fest! (Don’t judge. MTG is out of town for the week and Tuesdays are hard with therapy and people being all people-like.) Ahem. I haven’t linked to the Carnival of Homeschooling in […]

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    Vomit is distracting

    Both my boys have been sick this week. They think the best way to inform me of said sickness is to come into my room and vomit on my bed. Or, as 3 year old Satchmo said, “I burped.” I have a post about social conservatives and small government banging around in my head (making […]

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  • I know I haven’t blogged in a while

    And I’m not blogging now. Not really. I just want to point you to

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    Hey, look! A blog!

    Wow, have I not been here. Where have I been? I’ve been unwell, pulled back, sinus ickiness, and a pulled muscle on top of my foot. Weird, what? (Um, yeah, I’ve been reading Dorothy Sayers lately. I’ve gotten Wimsey in my speech.) I also went to a Scholastic Warehouse clearance sale with my lame foot–probably […]

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