• Blogging smorgasbord style

    A little of this, a little of that and pretty soon you’re bloated and reaching for the tums. Start with a Carnival of Homeschooling salad. Add some impressive homeschool kid tomato, the fruit of an impressive homeschool mom. That’s a lot of tomatoes. Add a scoop of that funky jello and suspended fruit concoction. (ht […]

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    Ooh, look!

    Linky stuff, in no particular order, with no particular category: Sometimes (usually) the cure is painful: Much as it pains me, housing prices need to come down a lot more for the sake of the country. It’s not that the housing market has suddenly gotten sick and needs medicine. It was sick, and it’s getting […]

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    I’m wounded, therefore I link

    I pulled a muscle in my neck/shoulder and am temporarily useless. Well, not useless, but certainly less useful. And cranky. Since I’m rude enough when I’m not in pain, I thought I’d link and keep my mouth shut. Or whatever. Carnival of Homeschool is up at Dewey’s Tree House. It’s the Identity Crisis Edition. Hoo […]

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    I’m a little verklempt, talk amongst yourselves

    Aw, man, that’s so cool. Anne, the PalmTree Pundit wants to know me better. Foolhardy, but cool. I shall consider myself tagged with this meme. What was I doing ten years ago? ~MTG and I had just gotten engaged, so I was starting out on the “fun” of wedding planning. Five snacks I enjoy: ~popcorn […]

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    I’m a mural!

    I’m still painting, so read this excellent article from Dr. Mohler on the purposes of education. In this condition, it becomes extremely difficult for a man to face proper supply of blood to penile region and causing hard and stiff erection entails getting sufficient flow of blood to soft tadalafil the penis. Many other alternatives […]

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    Lazy days of summer

    I had planned a low-key, lazy summer. We traveled all winter and spring, driving probably 7,000 miles in 6 months. We are traveled-out and have no plans for any more trips. (Except one very important family thing very close by. But that doesn’t count.) I had hoped for a mellow summer. Perhaps we’ll do a […]

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    That’s a great idea

    Have you seen the Heart of the Matter online homeschooling magazine? They are having an online conference July 31st through August 3rd. Conferencing in my pjs: just my speed. Amy of the Humble Musings is having a give-away for free conference registrations. And I want to win and attend a conference in my pajamas. It […]

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    Linking is blogging

    My blog is entitled “Question the Culture” based on the premise that I will, indeed, question the culture. And I’m actually working on a post on what we do when cultures clash. Really. I’ve been working on it for over a week. But it’s not done yet. So I’m going to link to people who […]

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    It’s my birthday, I’m gonna be lazy

    I have thoughts, thoughts about thing that ought to be blogged. Okay, that’s too bold a statement. I have thoughts that I’ve thought about blogging. Or something. I’m tired, so I’m not going to think, I’m going to link. . But after online cialis prescriptions was introduced, it went on to be the most popular […]

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    NerdMom at Nerd Family has this weeks most excellent Carnival of Homeschooling. Highlights: This fun post full o’ tips from Ship Full O’ Pirates on family organization reminds us that “We don’t get what we expect, we get what we inspect.” And this post gets from the Upside Down World gets mentioned because I can […]

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