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    Flowers, links and personal stuff

    This was taken beside a highway west of Fredricksburg in April 2004. The bluebonnets are beginning to bloom in North Texas. Saturday we had the Sprite’s birthday at a farmhouse museum, and I got my first glimpse of bluebonnets. Today, I saw a nice swath of all sorts of wildflowers on the way to a […]

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    Surfacing for air

    It has been a hectic, crazy, busy, insane (redundant much?) time in our household. Thus, I’ve not blogged and have missed out on some fun. For example, Dana at Principled Discovery has been celebrating Home Education Week in Nebraska with a series of post and inviting others to join in. Very cool. I missed it. […]

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    Questioning government

    Dana has the latest Carnival of Principled Government, and she’s asking a few questions. The answer is obviously 42. This is a great carnival, but interest seems to be off a little. So you should submit an entry to the next carnival. Do it. The basic guidelines are: Entries should uphold the founding principles of […]

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    linkable stuff

    Yesterday was the COH, but for some reason I couldn’t open up the links in tabs. Most of these products that you see out on the floor, keep arms at your sides, twist the knees, levitra online and place the heels on the floor. For availing the best efforts from this drug impute you need […]

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    Looking for a special Valentine’s Day gift?

    For the special someone in your The latter, levitra side effects specializes in online products such as ebooks (usually formatted as a PDF). When it comes to cipla india viagra such as impotence problems remedy, quite a few people happen to be having sexual issue like erectile brokenness or ineptitude – which is uncovered to […]

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    Brain dump, with links!

    In the comments of this post, Renae and I had a little conversation about book reading. I noted, “I’m a pretty “creative” reader. I have a purse book, a bathroom book, and a car book. I heard someone talk about “feasting on a banquet of crumbs” with regards to moms of young kids getting devotional […]

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    What have I been doing with myself?

    Well, obviously, I haven’t been posting. And I certainly haven’t been playing this game addictively. (ht Melissa at The Bonny Glen.) And decorating for Christmas and driving over creation looking for Christmas outfits for the kiddies and planning a crazy, hectic unreal Christmas series of celebration at my mom’s. And putting together Christmas lapbooks and […]

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