Happy birthday, my fellow Americans! Don’t forget to read the birth announcement today! Many of you are setting off fireworks illegally today. Just tell the police officer giving you the ticket that you’re celebrating in the spirit of the holiday. I’m sure that will work. If the power of both remains the same, you will […]
First, a message from my friend Amelia: On this, the ides of March and Super Tuesday 3, try not to vote for somebody who will stab this country in the back. Never forget: Keep the true meaning of the holiday: The reason behind the quick functioning of sildenafil tablets india s have helped millions […]
It’s been a very Monday sort of Monday, so I thought I’d post a little pick-me-up. You really need to say this aloud to get the full benefit. An audience would also help. Trust me. There are likely more factors involved in the http://www.devensec.com/maps/monuments.pdf viagra pill uk causation of migraines. Physical factors (1) the ovarian […]
I’m closing in on two years, and I will not break the chain! But I got nothing today. Not one single thing. So these doggies are doing the work for me. Take it away, pups. This is Jack’s attitude. Cheeky dog. Also, 30% of the $3.96 billion which was invested on real estate by PE […]
Would you like to play Global Thermonuclear War? Wait, that never ends well. Except for that one time. How about this. Search Google images for your name and the word “meme” and post what you find. Mine are mostly April Fools memes, and this is the best. Volume pill is possibly the best sperm generic […]
I have a post saved to my drafts that I’d be better off just trashing. Suffice it to say, I’m frustratingly frustrated and running away is not off the table. So instead of ranting, I give you memes of my feels. (And a video.) And. . . These problems have led to many sourly strained […]
Seen at Anne’s who saw at the Commonroom (whose posts aren’t showing up in my Bloglines. Hmmm.) The Headmistress notes that on average adults have only read 6 of these. I find that horribly depressing. Also, I need to reread less and read new (old-new) books more. Seriously, I read 3 Jane Austen books last […]
I’m collecting my thoughts and impressions on the Palin pick, for anyone who cares. There’s a lot of information to filter through, a bunch of loonies spouting nonsense and a surprising number of enlightened progressive types worried that Gov. Palin isn’t at home with her children, presumably barefoot and baking cookies. It’s entertaining, at least […]
No time for blogging, so I’m stealing this one word meme from My twenty cents keep moving. 1. Where is your cell phone? kitchen? 2. Your significant other? geek 3. Your hair? painted 4. Your mother? wise5. Your father? prankster6. Your favorite thing? books7. Your dream last night? forgot8. Your favorite drink? cherry-limeade 9. Your […]
We just got back from a whirlwind trip to Minnesota. We thought it would be a great idea to do the (1000 mile) drive in one shot, rather than breaking it up into two days. It was great–for the kids. They slept the majority of the time because we started at night. MTG and I, […]