Taking a break from the whys and hows of studying fine arts to merely soak in the beauty, and the fun, In case of survival, recovery is slow, often taking more than one pill per day as generic viagra 100mg it can cause severe unwanted reactions. The drug world has been loaded with a large […]
Have you ever noticed that how when you get more of something — time, space, money, etc. — you expand to fill it up? If you move to a bigger house, in a couple of months it’s as cluttered as your smaller space. A raise gets spent as soon as it’s earned, and an opening […]
Today you’re in for a special treat. My friend Erika Franz is the author of today’s guest post on soundtracks, specifically the soundtracks of science fiction. The idea for the post was born of a conversation that came out of this post and the idea that movie soundtracks are the natural extension of operas and musical […]
John Adams was (almost) right about this glorious day: “The Second Day of July 1776, will be the most memorable Epocha, in the History of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by […]
I’ve been seeing this meme a lot on Facebook. Preach, person who randomly capitalizes church! The meme made me think of the song obviously. But other than the chorus, I’d never really paid attention to the lyrics. It turns out it’s all about a guy getting out of a tumultuous relationship. So, less easy and […]
Summer started and then we got really busy and, well, this doesn’t feel like summer to me. I-demand-my-lazy-days links! First, a slew of heroes. The last of the original Navajo code-talkers has died. The Navajo code arguably turned the tide of the war in the Pacific, as the Japanese were able to break every code […]
Our final composer for this academic year is Igor Stravinsky. Most of us are familiar with Stravinsky from Fantasia (the dinosaurs) and Fantasia 2000 (the forest fire.) Ironically for a piece of music most of us associate with a Disney movie, the Rite of Spring famously caused a riot when it was first performed in […]
A little art: A little music. (Mark O’Connor is our composer this term. I like him a lot. Sorry, that’s all you’re going to get on him.) Infrequent occurrence of erectile dysfunction is common in men of all ages. appalachianmagazine.com viagra on line purchase The manufacture has to be sure that they take the generic […]
This month’s hymn is “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” a still popular though often altered hymn. You’ll find lovely versions by All Sons & Daughters and Fernando Ortega. I chose a version by Chris Rice because it leaves the second verse intact: Here I’ll raise my Ebenezer; Hither by Thy help I’m come; Of course, […]
Uncooperative computer, delayed day because of freezing rain, general mayhem. This day mocks my plans. FINE! Roll-with-the-punches links! A bittersweet story about a man who has fed thousands and thousands of people in Houston for three decades. I really hope someone(s) step up to take his place. “Schooling ain’t learning.” Although this is talking specifically […]