We spent last week cleaning, reorganizing, and painting. One of our painting projects was the girls room. The girls have a lot of stuff. A lot of little stuff: craft stuff, stuffed stuff, papers, memorabilia, etc. etc. It’s one thing to haul all that stuff out in big heaps and stash in a corner. It’s […]
We spent a much needed afternoon at the Dallas Arboretum after a cold wet winter. The warm temperatures probably won’t be uninterrupted, but they’re here. Fragrant, warm, and beautiful under a soft blue sky. God bless Texas. We’ve finally reached the point where the boys will also sit and draw in their nature journals. […]
For over a month, I have been putting off cleaning my guest room/office. It was a mess before the holidays, but it also becomes a storeroom during Christmas as we shove extra boxes and whatnot (lots of whatnot) in there. It is, to put it bluntly, a disaster zone. Moreover, there are some important papers […]
*This post contains affiliated links. I am bad at trees. Really bad. Like “acorn = oak, and that’s about all I know” bad. What can I say, I grew up in the desert! But I am committed to getting better because one of the benefits of homeschooling is that teacher gets to learn alongside her […]
Texas, you may have heard, has had some unseasonably cold and wet weather. The ice that will not die has put a damper on our usual outdoor venturing. There’s nothing like not being able to get outside to realize how much time you spend outside. Even without sheets of ice, colder temperatures may tempt us […]
Last Tuesday, I drove by our local nature preserve and noticed half the trees were in full color and half were bare. I knew we needed to go soon if we were to enjoy any of the autumn display, so we spent last Wednesday afternoon on an extended nature walk. Fortunately, we got out there […]
We’re spending the day at the Dallas Arboretum looking at their houses o’ gourds. We also may do this great fall mixed-media art project from That Artist Woman. I’ve saved my egg shells and everything. It’s a new month so new songs. Our folk song is an Irish tune called “The Rose of Tralee.” […]
I have a confession: nature studies intimidate me. I am not a naturalist. I have no idea what the names of trees or plants are beyond the most generic “Hey acorns! That must be an oak tree.” Moreover, I’m not an artist. I’m not particularly creative, and my drawing skills are basic at best. But […]
The autumnal equinox was at 3:44 central time yesterday, so this is the first full day of fall, although yesterday was technically the first day of fall by the calendar. Since we were traveling at the time, we didn’t really note it. Fall in Texas can frustrating because the temperatures stay pretty high through at least […]
We’re traveling today, so I don’t have time to write a longer post. We’ll be spending our nature hour at Dinosaur Valley State Park. Actually, we’ll be spending most of the weekend in the soggy outdoors. Yay, rain! A bonus, art thing: How to recognize the artists of paintings. Not for littler people because of language […]