• Whose dumb idea was this, anyway?

    Happy New Year! *thud* Whenever you viagra 20mg cipla have had erection or unsatisfying love making session then you need to assume that parenteral nutrition and care will affect the course of treatment most likely to succeed. Are you a victim of sexual dysfunction then it is better to viagra purchase on line let some […]

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    Goodbye & Good Riddance

    The general consensus seems to be that 2010 was, very possibly, the Worst. Year. Ever.  Or at least in the top ten. In case the passing of time has blurred your memory, I give you Dave Barry’s Year in Review.  Do me a favor, go read it some place public like a coffee shop.  Your […]

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    That’s my New Year’s Resolution: to be more deliberate, to live deliberately. This past year has been hard.  No major tragedies or upheavals (although family members and friends have faced both), but  just hard in a “pecked to death by baby ducks” and “if it’s not one thing it’s another” sort of way.  There were […]

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    A little help with your New Year’s Resolutions

    I hope you find it helpful. Happy New Year’s Eve Eve!

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