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    Today is the last day to sign up for health insurance to be covered by the original January 1 deadline set by Obamacare. Things are changing day by day, so that deadline — at least for the purposes of getting hit with the tax — is probably not valid. Although if you are relying on […]

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    A little advice

    A little advice

    Get identity theft protection.  Get it today. It’s no secret I don’t like The Patient Protection and Affordable Health Care Act, but since it’s like a freight train bearing down on us, we might as well be prepared. Part of that preparation means realizing there are unavoidable risks of dealing with large and confusing bureaucracies, […]

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    Wow. Yesterday was one for the history books. In one day we learned: We learned that the Benghazi talking points were lies. (That’s what we call something “completely untrue.”) The critical question, of course, is why lie? What truth are the lies covering? The cliche is “It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up,” but I […]

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    Holy Health-Care, Batman!

    Here’s a bill I could actually support. It addresses the actual problem of health insurance affordability while not imposing huge economic burdens or more government bureaucracies. Also, ONE PAGE LONG! Woo-hoo! Won’t have any “read the bill” problems there. No, it doesn’t address everything wrong with the health care system, and there would probably still […]

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    The New Englander’s way with words

    No hemming, no hawing. No “bless his heart” or “on the one hand” or “understanding my opponents position.” Just wrap your point in a brick and throw it hard: “Let me get this straight . . . We’re going to pass a health care plan written by a committee whose head says Any review as […]

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    Klavan takes Obama to Sunday School

    “When facing death himself, Jesus – a talented Rabbi in his own right – asked God to get him out of his perilous situation, but then added, “Not as I will, but as you will,” which suggests to me that even Jesus didn’t expect This may indicate commander cialis midwayfire.com the mechanism underlying problems with […]

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    Can we please stop saying "Free"?

    “Free” health care, “Free” cash for (not exactly) clunkers, “Free” government stimulus money. People! It’s NOT free! It’s other people’s money.It’s your money filtered through a government bureaucracy and a much smaller amount returned with a multitude of strings attached. amerikabulteni.com discount cialis In fact, they remain silent to their female partner as well. Most […]

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    It’s bizarro world

    “Let me get this straight. The Democrat president is assembling an enemies list and speaks for the Silent Majority, and the Republicans are disruptive protestors?” A comment on this post by Ann Althouse, wherein she notes that all The next time you feel the cheap viagra canada urge to indulge in sex. When must avoid […]

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    Spammed by the Obama Political Machine

    So, a while back, I emailed the President via the public comments section at Whitehouse.gov regarding the hideous CPSIA. (I never got a reply, btw.) Today, I get spammed by political tool David Axelrod, using a whitehouse.gov It has very fewer side effects so one need not tadalafil online no prescription think much before having […]

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    Oh, health care

    Nineteen ninety-four, the year of HillaryCare, was my first summer as an intern at National Right to Life Committee. That was a very busy summer fighting government rationing healthcare, taxpayer funded abortion on demand, involuntary euthanasia through the denial of life saving treatments, good times. (Okay, so I mainly made copies and stuffed envelopes. Papercuts! […]

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