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    Toe the line, people!

    Apparently, We, the People are getting uppity. We dare to express doubt about President Obama’s master plan for this health care thingamajig. “Americans are divided over how they want health care fixed and whom they trust most to do it, refusing to forge a consensus for or against President Barack Obama as he and Congress […]

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    Crowder explains CanadaCare

    Remember the scariest words in the English Language: “We’re from the government and we’re here to help.” This is 20 minutes, but Herniated disc is a condition mostly related to the lumbar or lower spine of your back. viagra prices australia Kamagra Online Adds More Value in the order cheap viagra ED treatment. For that […]

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    Tuesday, the most neglected day

    It’s not Monday, yuck Monday. It’s not humpday. It’s not Thursday, YAY Friday’s almost here. It’s not TGIF. It’s not the hip, happening weekend. It’s just sad, pathetic Tuesday. I shall cheer it up with links, like this gorgeous Astronomy Picture of the Day. And this wonderful post by Ali. If you’re looking for people […]

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    But it won’t work. Jeffrey Lord at the American Spectator, with impeccable logic, argues that Obamacare means the end of Roe v. Wade. The argument is intriguing and should be read in full, but the gist of it is this: Lord argues that Roe v. Wade establishes that a person “has the constitutionally protected right […]

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