Yesterday brought the horrific news that ISIS (ISIL/Daesh/murdering, inhuman scum) had burned alive the Jordanian pilot Lt. Muath al-Kaseasbeh. As awful as it was, and as frightening as the growing global thuggery is (see also Nigeria, Ukraine, etc.), we in America have decided we need to face the real monsters in our midst. I’m talking, […]
As the less offensive saying goes, opinions are like armpits. Everyone has two and they usually stink. Today at the Washington Times Community Pages, I write about the world’s most exclusive fraternity: past presidents and their opinions or lack thereof. The historian I interviewed, Doug Wead, wrote an interesting blog post on the situation. It’s […]
Tuesday, I met with the nutritionist as a first step to going gluten and casein free (GFCF). This has been a long time coming and frankly, probably should have been one of the first moves we made when we started the sensory processing disorder journey a year and a half ago. But we didn’t. Moving […]
My new favorite conservative humorist: Best of many great lines:“When you try to stop the government zombies, when you say “No, zombie, no! Don’t devour my flesh!”–they get pissy.” It’s the low key snark that I love. Don’t get me wrong, I love Steve Crowder and Zo, too. And I’m sure they’ll only get better […]