Bulldozer turns 9 today. Nine! How did that even happen? It. Goes. So. Fast. He’s getting a Kindle for his birthday. He knows he’s getting it, and he even picked out the case for it, but I told him if doesn’t act surprised I won’t give it to him. We have to maintain our little […]
Today Satchmo turns 7. Seven. Seven is no longer a little boy. A young boy, sure. A kid, definitely. But not a little boy. “I’m not a little boy, Mom!” But Satchmo is my youngest, my baby. So this feels harder than the others. Sure, it was bittersweet watching the others get so big and […]
You know how you get a little bit behind? Just a bit, no big deal. Half an hour max would set you straight. But then you get a little bit behind in something else. Then something else falls behind. And something else, etc., etc., etc. At this point, I’m going to need a new month. […]
We got up at 5 am this morning to watch Mars get hit by a comet. Well, not really, but it would have still looked cool. Unfortunately, our eastern horizon is blocked by our neighbor’s trees. And while there’s a lot of great info at that link about seeing the sky, there’s nothing about looking […]
Glenn Reynolds, (AKA the Instapundit) and Ann Althouse are having a blog post exchange on the rights and responsibilities of men and women when it comes to sex and parenting, particularly what rights men have when it comes to the children they father. It began with cases of unaccidental pregnancy and the rights and responsibilities […]
That’s my favorite Charlotte Mason quote because it reminds me that I’m not dealing with a lump of clay that I can do with what a wish but a person, made in the image of God, with his or her own personality and talents and wants and fears. My children are people, and I should […]
Language is a good indicator of what a culture values. For example, our dictionary definition of mothering is “the nurturing of an infant or small child by its mother.” Parenting means “the rearing of children.” Fathering means “a male parent.” Mothering is highly valued and appreciated in our culture; when people are sick or […]
All the best children adventure stories have one critical thing in common. From the following sampling, see if you can guess what it is. The Chronicles of Narnia Harry Potter Sign of the Beaver Five Children and It The Adventures of Tom Sawyer From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler The Percy Jackson […]
I have had the feeling I’ve been forgetting something for at least the past week (I forget exactly). And sometimes I’ll remember one of the things I’ve forgotten, but there’s always something else lurking in the shadows of my mind. What I need is a Rememberall, but like Neville, I’d still be unable to remember […]
So said Kat Lee at the early workshops of the Mom Heart Conference. And she’s right. I spent the last two days receiving much wisdom and encouragement about the truth of that statement. The “big thing” that I got from the conference actually ties into some thoughts I’ve been thinking on culture and creating […]