Last night, the Leonid meteor shower peaked. Despite being bone tired, I duly set my alarm for 1 a.m. But at 1 a.m., that part of my brain that would really like just five minutes of peace and a good night sleep for once, dangit, said, “Don’t you dare.” So I didn’t. There should be […]
If civilization isn’t constantly on the offensive, nature will overwhelm us. Likewise, if we aren’t constantly on the offensive against life, it will eat into your schedule. In other words, I had some time free up yesterday, but somehow that time disappeared under the tentacles of life. Like sands through the hourglass links! I’m just […]
I’m at a youth retreat with my daughter, and I’m posting this from my phone. Isn’t technology great? Anyway, you’re getting meat, not fluff, but it isn’t my meat. I’m reading Charlotte Mason’s Original Homeschooling Series Volume 6:Towards A Philosophy of Education, and I’m pretty sure I’ll end up highlighting the whole book before I’m […]
I’m one of those weird creatures who has homeschooled since the beginning. In fact, before we were married, I knew I wanted to homeschool my kids. So I had a longer time than many to look at what homeschooling was and how we would implement it in our family. I have, however, talked to lots […]
Our pastor is preaching through the book of I Timothy. Today, he spoke on the overriding theme of preaching and protecting sound doctrine from I Tim. 1: 3-11. One of the challenges to sound doctrine in our age is relativism: “truth for you, truth for me, it’s all good.” This reminded me of my first […]