My year of being the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is officially over. To be honest, it wasn’t as exciting as I expected. But I did survive another trip around the sun, and that’s worth celebrating. In the tradition of hobbits who give gifts instead of receiving them on their birthdays, here are my gifts to you. […]
When I was growing up, my friends who lived a few houses down from me had an Icee machine in their house because their big brother was an Icee distributor. I know. They were the luckiest girls on the planet. One day, my little sister — the youngest of the group by a couple of […]
For St. Patrick’s Day, you should listen to this wonderful episode of Circe Institute’s The Commons with Dr. Jonathan Rogers who wrote a book about Patrick. Some thoughts: Dr. Rogers sounds so much like my brother — both his voice and his speech patterns — that it kind of freaked me out. I was tempted to […]
Argh! I’ve been working on this stupid blog post for a week. Then yesterday, it comes out that the researcher faked his data. Stupid scientist. (PSA: Science is a process, not a religion, not “facts.” Science is done by humans whom–whatever their academic qualifications–are just as prone to being lying jerks as the rest of humanity.) […]
*This post contains affiliated links. This year, I have been wanting to have a more restful, peaceful year and paradoxically (or not uncoincidentally, depending on your point of view) have been having the most stressful year that I’ve had in a long time. Part of it is just the way the ball has bounced this […]
Home, glorious home! With my wonderful family! And my ridiculous dog! Yay, home! The road from here to my hometown is long and dull, so I passed the time listening to podcasts and audiobooks. I thought I’d share a little of my listening menu, mainly because I’m tired and my brain can’t think of anything […]
*This post contains affiliated links. I want to say at the outset that this post is not just for homeschoolers. I’m a homeschooling mom who is writing about a homeschooling mom that has a podcast. But this is in no way, shape, or form does this pertain only to homeschoolers. What I’m saying pertains to […]
*This post has affiliated links I inspired a podcast, y’all! I did! My friend Jimmie Bise, former host of The Delivery and current co-host of Strange Worlds Travelogue, took my suggestion and did a show on sci-fi for kids. I hope I use my powers of persuasion for good. Not having kids of their own […]
This post contains affiliated links. Didn’t you hate it when teachers said that to you as a kid? “Put your listening ears on!” What else would I have on, my walking ears? We say weird things to kids. But I have been listening a lot. We listen to audio books while driving. Since we do […]