Way back when I was in college, I minored in psychology. I dropped that minor after a couple of years when I realized all my professors were bat-poop crazy. All, that is, except my abnormal psych prof. Go figure. (Shout out to Dr. Montgomery!) The professors that finally drove me away screaming were crazy and […]
I finally got around to getting Little Miss in for her well-child checkup, although at 14 she’s not really a child. It’s probably time to switch to a family doctor for her, but eh, we like her pediatrician, even if she is a bit skittish. Has anyone met a non-afraid pediatrician? I’m pretty sure she […]
Today is the first day of public school in our area, and judging by my Facebook feed, for a lot of people all over the country. You can almost smell the excitement: teachers finally putting into action all of your plans made over the summer, kids with all their supplies together for the first (and […]
Lots of kids — homeschool, private school, public school, whatever else school there is (submarine school?) — are back to school this week or next. We’re holding on to summer as long as we can, even though Little Miss started one on-line class last week and starts a class at private school this week. This […]
John Taylor Gatto explains the six purposes of modern schooling according to Alexander Inglis, for whom the Inglis Lectureship in Secondary Education at Harvard is named. Gatto is a former New York City Teacher of the Year and crusader against our current compulsory institutional school system that arose around the turn of the 19th century. […]
May the odds be ever in your favor. A couple of related(?) links: “We are pathologizing boyhood.” Types of plastic surgery ? Octoplasty (ear surgery) ? Rhinoplasty ( nose reshaping) ? Forehead lift ? Dermabrasion ? Mastopexy ( breast lift) ? Abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) ? Rhytidectomy (face lift ) ?Liposuction ? Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) […]
A few days ago, I came across an article about kindergarten students taking standardized tests. Kindergarten students. Five-year-olds forced to sit for as many as five hours to do a test on a computer using the rage-inducing technology of a trackpad for those whose fine motor skills are still developing. Someone apparently hates five-year-olds. Today, […]
We’ve been in my hometown of Odessa the past few days, but now we’re headed home. In fact, we should be precisely in the middle of nowhere right about now. Endless horizon links! Oh, scientists, never change: Peanut butter and jelly fish! The definition of “off the rails”: a primary school in England suspended a […]
This week in my Communities Digital News, I write about National School Choice Week. In just a little while, Tea Party favorite Sen. Ted Cruz will join the progressive congresswoman Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee at the kick-off rally in Houston. A look at the events being held around the country shows us that urban and […]
For over a month, I have been putting off cleaning my guest room/office. It was a mess before the holidays, but it also becomes a storeroom during Christmas as we shove extra boxes and whatnot (lots of whatnot) in there. It is, to put it bluntly, a disaster zone. Moreover, there are some important papers […]