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    She coins a very useful phrase

    One of my favorite blogs is The Common Room, hosted by the Deputy Headmistress and attended by her various progeny. It is eye-opening, educational and entertaining. One of her features is “News and Views,” a roundup of issues she follows. It’s always informative. And today I found a lovely new phrase that I plan to […]

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    Happy Birthday, Dutch

    Whatever else one may think of Ronald Reagan, the man was truly a great communicator. The two things he was best at communicating was the beauty and resilience of America and the government’s overwhelming ability to screw things up. Some selected quotes, from an eminently quotable man. “The poet called Miss Liberty’s torch ‘the lamp […]

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    The New Englander’s way with words

    No hemming, no hawing. No “bless his heart” or “on the one hand” or “understanding my opponents position.” Just wrap your point in a brick and throw it hard: “Let me get this straight . . . We’re going to pass a health care plan written by a committee whose head says Any review as […]

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    Submitted without comment

    “Before we leave this matter I with to comment on the theory implied by you, Mr. Weems, when the minds of certain groups in this country the notion that because a man or corporation has made a profit out of the public for a number of years, the government and the courts are charged with […]

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    Wisdom in the time of crisis

    “Your Description of the Distresses of the worthy Inhabitants of Boston, and the other Sea Port Towns, is enough to melt an Heart of stone. Our Consolation must be this, my dear, that Cities may be rebuilt, and a People reduced to Poverty, may acquire fresh Property: But a Constitution of Government once changed from […]

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    Just a rant

    I hate this song so much it makes my teeth itch. HATE it. It is sometimes used as a worship song; not at our current church, but at our church in Virginia. You may have heard some treacly praise songs called “Jesus is my girlfriend” songs. You know, those songs that you can substitute “Peggy […]

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    Back to normal

    Well, as normal as we get around these parts. After three weeks of Christmassy fun, we are back in the saddle again. Today actual went pretty good as far as getting our stuff done. I am seeing areas we need to adjust. Mainly I need to encourage more independence, or as I like to say […]

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    Good quotes, odd quotes and links

    Amy at Amy’s Humble Musings quoting another mom blog: “Say that you rail and your rail with your children about all kinds of things: drugs and rock music and Christian music and weak Christianity and sugar and white bread and recycling and ‘those’ people and bad literature and mud on their boots and dirty houses […]

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    Pronouns: a noun that has lost its amateur status

    This is a cross post from our private family blog. I thought of it today because Little Miss asked me a question with 27 pronouns and vague references to “things” and “thingys”, but without any specific nouns. The following is a transcript of a conversation between Little Miss and my mom from last March when […]

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  • Quote of the Day

    I can see this quote coming in handy in many situations. “Let the charity police cry havoc and let loosethe wiener-dogs of their disappointment …” The player decided that the most important thing was for him to be with his family. “After discussing the situation with Allen, we have come up with exact solution to […]

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