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    Terrible Tuesday: Brain dump

    Terrible Tuesday: Brain dump

    I got nothing. Links! Raise a glass to Claude Shannon, Jr. , the genius no one’s heard of but whose work you’re benefiting from right now. There ought to be no law. From the little I’ve read, the law isn’t as awful as it could be, but talk about a camel’s nose in the door. […]

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    Terrible Tuesday: Processing info edition

    Terrible Tuesday: Processing info edition

    This past weekend, I went to Freedom Works’ BlogCon. I thought about canceling several times in the weeks leading up to the event, because what does my wee little blog have in common with the big political blogger attending this event?  And on Mother’s Day weekend. And the Arlington Homeschool Book Fair. (I’d miss Miller […]

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    Stop me before I check out again!

    My “books to be read” list is always rather long, but I try to keep the “books I’m currently reading” pile short, lest I get too distracted to finish any or all of them. But sometimes the beast has a mind of it’s own.  In fact, I just reserved another book at the library today.  […]

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    The effects of reading

    As part of their history studies, the girls are reading Common Sense by Thomas Paine. My 12- year-old brought me this, underlined in her kindle, with the remark, “It’s just like today.” “And a serious mind can draw no true pleasure by conviction, that what he calls “the present constitution” is merely temporary. As parents, […]

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    Lazy days of reading

    As part of our lazy days of summer, we read a lot. We also read in the not so lazy days of spring, winter and fall, but that’s not the point of this post. Anyway, there are tons of great summer reading programs, some greater than others. Pizza Hut Book It Sweepstakes entry. eh. Half-Price […]

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    Better living through technology

    I have never once succeeded in reading the bible in a year. In the past, the pattern has been: start with great enthusiasm, get distracted, discouraged or sidetracked somewhere in Numbers or Deuteronomy (didn’t I read this already?) and give up by mid-February, March if I’m particularly motivated. The last time I took up a […]

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    Quality over Quantity

    I’m taking up the Headmistresses excellent Worthwhile Reading Challenge to read 12 quality books in 2009. That 888 challenge flopped. I read some, maybe half, of those on the list, but not all. And the Presidential Project is stalled. It’s all Van Buren’s fault. I don’t know if he was painfully dull in real life, […]

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    Me, not you. Unless of course you are a home educator who hasn’t enrolled in the Pizza Hut Book It! program that starts in October. Then you’re a slacker, too. All erectile dysfunction medicines work the same way and have same here are the findings discount cialis purpose of removing erectile dysfunction. When a man […]

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    Lazy days of summer

    I had planned a low-key, lazy summer. We traveled all winter and spring, driving probably 7,000 miles in 6 months. We are traveled-out and have no plans for any more trips. (Except one very important family thing very close by. But that doesn’t count.) I had hoped for a mellow summer. Perhaps we’ll do a […]

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  • Deep and wide

    First assignment, read this poem. (Don’t worry, it’s good and I have a point that requires audience participation.) Totally like whatever, you know? In case you hadn’t noticed,it has somehow become uncoolto sound like you know what you’re talking about?Or believe strongly in what you’re saying?Invisible question marks and parenthetical (you know?)’shave been attaching themselves […]

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