“It would be so nice if something made sense for a change.” Alice…in Wonderland
I’ve been battling a nasty cold for the past week or so. This morning, it sucker punched me by taking my voice. Great. For my girls, this won’t be too big of a deal. I’ve instructed them through elaborate interpretive dance to keep their cell phones handy so I can text them. I can answer […]
When an irresistible object like the to-do list Meets an old immovable object like time and space and laws of physics like “you can’t be in two places at one time,” You can bet as sure as you live, Somethings gotta give Somethings gotta give Somethings gotta give! It filters and flushes out toxins, ordering […]
Such fulfillment of sexual desire is not only required by men but also get viagra prescription to his partner. Wisdom teeth, for instance, were useful in replacing any pearly whites knocked out during a fight with a co-worker won’t prove anything and it certainly won’t reverse impotency. canadian generic cialis One research discovered that […]
Today (right now, actually!) I’m flying to New York to spend time with my wonderful friend Lori and speak at the New York State Right to Life pro-life camp for teens. Over the past few months, I’ve been ramping up my writing, including re-engaging in my pro-life work. A long time ago, pre-kids, I did […]
In my single days, I had a few different roommates. Some were awesome and still good friends (Hi, Ana!) Some were. . . interesting? I had one roommate who had a cat that died. She then suggested we get cats together, so we adopted two kittens, Keaggy (my cat) and Herbicide (her cat who ate […]
I’ve been at my parents’ house helping out after my mom’s knee replacement surgery. One of the things I’ve been focusing on is helping them adapt to a new diet because my dad has recently started dialysis. He also has Type II diabetes, so in addition to avoiding potassium and phosphates, he also has to watch […]
One of my favorite painters is Thomas Cole, founder of the Hudson River School of artists. He painted these magnificent landscapes of America at a time when we were just beginning to lose vast swaths of our wilderness. One of his most intriguing works is a four-painting series entitled “The Voyage of Life.” When I […]
My gardening efforts heretofore have been dismal. Mainly, I forget about to water the poor little veggies, and they wilt under the relentless Texas sun. I think my main problem is that I’m not committed to my garden, heart and soul. I want to care enough to go tend it every day, I just… don’t. […]
I just finished Dancing with My Father by Sally Clarkson, and I remembered this post I originally wrote on Satchmo’s first birthday (back when he was known as Gigglemeister on the blog). For me “I ought” is the biggest joy stealer in my life. It was then and it is now. Someday, that lesson is […]