I’m very busy, and very tired, and I kinda just want to do this. Alas, I do not have a box big enough for me to curl up in. Sigh. Links! A photo essay of children from around the world and their most prized possessions. What would be in your photograph? Reviews of math apps […]
Friday nights are pizza and movie nights for our family. Tonight we pulled out the first Christmas movie, The Polar Express. Of course we’ve been listening to Christmas music and reading Christmas books, but I think this is the first Christmas movie we’ve actually watched this year. Which is a little odd for us, but […]
Too dang hot edition. Yeah, so I kinda missed an entire week of blogging. I broke my “aggressively lazy” summer vow and the week was busy. And very hot. I really can’t think when it’s this hot. So I’m posting an old standby: Amish Baked Oatmeal. I think I’ve posted it before on the old […]
For Independence Day, I made a Strawberry Rhubarb Pie. Mentioning this on twitter caused all sorts of comments. I did not know people were so passionate about rhubarb. I’m firmly on the side of rhubarb lovers, but understand the aversion to it, what with the toxicity and all. But I wasn’t thrilled with the strawberry […]
Also know as “stealing Saturday” because I’m stealing this idea from the Zarf (check out the yummy muffin recipe) and the recipe from All Recipes. Thievery! Shall we continue? My favorite recipe site is All Recipes, mostly because of the rate and review feature. (You can also save your changes in your own personal recipe […]
Since we’ve gone gluten free for the boys, quiche is almost non-existent on our menu. Which is a crying shame, since it’s one meal everyone will eat without (too much) grumbling. I can do special gluten free pie crust, but that takes the “fast and easy” out of the fast and easy meal. So it […]
I think I finally figured out why I haven’t been blogging lately. It’s just too. dang. hot. About all I can manage is trips to the pool and making sure the kids are fed and clothed. And even that’s a chore. I generally love to cook, except when the thermometer reads 100 degrees or more. […]
Was that an exciting Superbowl or what? Who knew Superbowl games could be exciting? Also, neener neener, cheaters! Go Giants! (Yes, I’m technically an adult. Technically.) Also, Thursday, February 7 is Laura Ingalls Wilder’s birthday. We’re going to celebrate by going to a museum at a historic farmhouse in our town. I was going to […]
In the comments of this post, Renae and I had a little conversation about book reading. I noted, “I’m a pretty “creative” reader. I have a purse book, a bathroom book, and a car book. I heard someone talk about “feasting on a banquet of crumbs” with regards to moms of young kids getting devotional […]
It’s a hat trick of carnivals:100th Carnival of Homeschooling,6th Charlotte Mason Carnival (with great Maurice Sendak illustrations!)and the Christmas themed Carnival of Recipes. Some highlights from the COH:April (hey! great name!) at Lunablog has some great organization tips.DHM has some thoughts on putting leaders on pedestals and the dangers therein.Shauna at Treasure Seekers has an […]