A couple of years ago, I started writing for the Washington Times Communities Pages. That eventually moved to Communities Digital News. And then I realized I’m homeschooling four kids, one of whom started high school this past year, and what am I crazy? But it was fun while it lasted. While you can find my […]
A free people does not allow it’s government to regulate soda sizes. A free people does not stand by while government bureaucrats randomly drug test 11 year olds. A free people doesn’t accept foolish regulations to shut down community pools. A free people doesn’t allow a hard working honors student to be jailed for failure […]
The numbers are staggering. In 1970 one in 400 American adults was behind bars or on parole. As of 2008, the number was one in 100. Add in probation, and it’s one in 31. “More Democracy, More Incarceration” by Radley Balko Compulsion is a curious resource. It offers diminishing returns. It is diluted by dissent […]