This post contains affiliated and dangerous links. We’re listening to Tales of the Fourth Grade Nothing in the car. It was published in 1972, and I read it as a kid. I have fond memories of the whole Judy Blume oeuvre. But listening to it with my kids, I have to say I’m shocked that […]
Tuesdays have been pretty intense this fall, with 3 hours of occupational therapy, an hour of speech therapy, and one and a half hours of Orchestra, not to mention the 2 to 3 hours of driving. Just to keep things interesting, we’ve decided to throw in a softball game every Tuesday for the next month. […]
This post (which is tangentially about Zimmerman, but worth the read even if you’re oversaturated) talks about the need to profile and being safe: I used to tell my students to pay attention to their instincts. If you get a bad vibe off of somebody, for whatever reason, pay attention to it. That doesn’t make […]
On July 4, 1804, Captains Lewis and Clark and the rest of the Corps of Discovery celebrated the first Independence Day west of the Mississippi by firing off their cannon. They were at the beginning of a grand adventure that was the first steps in opening the West to their countrymen. In addition to this […]
All the best children adventure stories have one critical thing in common. From the following sampling, see if you can guess what it is. The Chronicles of Narnia Harry Potter Sign of the Beaver Five Children and It The Adventures of Tom Sawyer From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler The Percy Jackson […]
Ah, to be sixteen again. First car, first kiss, first solo sailing trip around the world. Okay, just kidding. I wouldn’t want to be sixteen again for all the tea in China. But I do envy this young man’s adventure. Honestly, what sounds better: high school or sailing the high seas? (Or climbing a mountain, […]