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    Why We March

    Why We March

    To decimate comes from the Roman practice of killing one in every ten soldiers in a mutinous legion.  Decimate now means “to severely damage or destroy a large part of something.” Over the past 41, over 56,000,000 children have been killed through abortion. If one in ten is to decimate, what is almost one in […]

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    Bittersweet accomplishment

    Bittersweet accomplishment

    This year, hundreds of thousands of Americans will gather in Washington, DC, for the 40th March for Life. Thousand more will gather through the month in their states and cities for marches, rallies, and prayer vigils remembering the over 56 million children killed by abortion since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. The March for […]

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    On not ceding the legal battle

    On not ceding the legal battle

    Last week, Amy Otto posted this interesting post on liberty and abortion at Pocket Full of Liberty. I agree with a great deal of it, but there is a pesky area of disagreement that keeps coming up between libertarians and pro-life activists: namely that legislation is the wrong approach. So I’ve got a response to […]

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    An authentic civilization of truth and love

    The following is sort of a love letter to the pro-life movement generally, and Birthright—the crisis pregnancy that was the nursery of my beliefs—and my parents specifically. My mom started a local Birthright chapter when I was ten. I’m so thankful for her example and the education that gave me. This describes much of that […]

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    But it won’t work. Jeffrey Lord at the American Spectator, with impeccable logic, argues that Obamacare means the end of Roe v. Wade. The argument is intriguing and should be read in full, but the gist of it is this: Lord argues that Roe v. Wade establishes that a person “has the constitutionally protected right […]

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    36 years is a long time

    Today marks the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, the Supreme Court decision that struck down every state law prohibiting or regulating abortion and made abortion legal for any reason, through all nine months of pregnancy. That the law far less extreme today is a testament to the hundreds of thousands […]

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