If I were going to use one word to describe myself it would be “efficient.” (Sexy, huh?) I’m competent. I get things done. I want systems to work, and I’m always tweaking processes to make them better. And I like lists. Recently, we’ve entered what we’ll call a doubleplusbusy season of life. (Hello, fall!) We’re […]
For the past three weeks, I’ve been inundated with back-to-school ads, social media posts on getting ready for school, and a host of emails on curriculum and classes. My response has been, “LALALALALA, I can’t hear you!” I told myself I was going to enjoy my summer and not think about school until August. Oh, […]
I’ve been trying to rearrange my schedule so that Sunday is an actual day of rest instead of another day to get stuff done. It has been my day to go to the grocery store, which I’m sure you’ll agree is very important. I know my family thinks so. But going full throttle seven days […]
Today is the Twelfth Day of Christmas, so I had my last cup of coffee in a Christmas mug til next year. The alarms are being switched to something un-Christmasy (“Bad to the Bone”?), the decorations came down this weekend, except for all the stuff we forgot. Like the huge wooden nativity. How did we […]
I snagged this from the Facebook page of a friend who’s a teacher in public school. (Middle school math. Pray for her.) I think everyone — homeschool, public school, or private school — feels a little shell-shocked after the first month of school. We’ve been back to “the more structured daily lessons” grind for […]
How did the first week of school go? Shame and embarrassment made sexual dysfunction a taboo subject in polite company for on line levitra devensec.com a long time, which gave it a prominent position in the urban legends and endorsed dozens of folk remedies of doubtful effectiveness. Any misalignment in the body can cause […]
Day one of the 2014-2015. I’ve got assignments assigned, pencils sharpened, and schedules color-coded. I’ve even got my workspace organized! It’s a first day of school miracle! I knew today would not go according to plan; I even planned for it! New routines have to be broken in. I get this. I’m not new. Still […]
At the beginning of this series of posts on fine arts, I explained why I’m spending one day each week focusing on arts (and natures study). I wrote that I’m teaching fine arts (and nature studies) “to provide true and good and beautiful things upon which my children can feast.” That is absolutely still true. […]
I am a bold introvert. I am not shy; I am not insecure; I enjoy meeting people and having conversations. I don’t love parties, but neither do I loathe them. I am not what most people picture when they think of an introvert. Nonetheless, if I had to choose between company and solitude, I’d choose […]
Life right now is rather busy. In fact, I’m trying to remember when my life wasn’t busy. Hey 7-year-olds, cherish your down time! Anyway, right now seems to be a particularly frantic time, with appointments and practices and fires to put out. It’s a wee bit exhausting. I find myself falling into one of the […]