Because I already did flu blogging, I give you random things with no connection other than it piqued my interest. Going through the pictures on my camera from the past year I found this picture of Jack. Not sure what I did, but he’s definitely giving me The Look. Random C.S. Lewis quote, from The […]
You know how when you’re sick, you think you’re coherent and intelligible, but you’re really not? Yeah, I’m not even going to try to string words together. Cool Christmas videos that everyone has already seen a million times but whatever! During this medication any type of heavy tadalafil canadian pharmacy or cholesterol food should not […]
I’ve been battling a nasty cold for the past week or so. This morning, it sucker punched me by taking my voice. Great. For my girls, this won’t be too big of a deal. I’ve instructed them through elaborate interpretive dance to keep their cell phones handy so I can text them. I can answer […]
Both the virus kind of cold and the freezing temperatures. So how about some holiday cheer for the battle? If you need me, I’ll be under a pile of blankets clutching a box of tissues and a mug of hot tea. This video went viral yesterday, for good reason. Nice going, Canadians! Don’t forget to […]
I’m feeling a bit under the weather, so my productivity is…not. It’s also rainy outside, which makes everyone a little sleepy and lazy, I was lolling about while the kids were left to their own devices, but that lead to Lego wars, so now we’re watching movies. We’re watching Night of the Museum, which greatly […]
Both my boys have been sick this week. They think the best way to inform me of said sickness is to come into my room and vomit on my bed. Or, as 3 year old Satchmo said, “I burped.” I have a post about social conservatives and small government banging around in my head (making […]
It has been rainy for 3 days past forever. Approximately. Five weeks into my girls’ softball season and all but one of their games has been canceled–and it looks like tonight’s game is rained out, too. Stuck in the house with sick kids, we can’t even make a run to the Chick-Fil-A indoor play ground. […]
We have a private blog for family picture, cute kid sayings, and other things no one but people who love us want or need to see. MTG set up a blog for the girls. This is what you get when you open your blog You will price for generic viagra have an erection that shall […]
It’s a hunnert seventy kagillion degrees outside and I have a cold. Does that seem right to you? Stuff’s going on and I’m thinking thoughts about the stuff, but the stuff gets stuck in my stuffed head. Approx. more than 35 million people have taken the time and effort to advocate for their practice is […]