My children have been struck with a very strange virus: vomiting and general tummy ickiness for approximately 12 hours, then *poof* all better. Which is really not bad, except they’ve decided to overlap. So instead of 12 hours, we’re heading into 36 hours. Little Miss has not yet been struck with the vile bug(nor have […]
Satchmo is 2 today. Yay!Satchmo is sick today. Boo!Satchmo is an angry child when in physical distress. He refuses to be comforted and screams and screams. He’s screaming now. On the floor, because he doesn’t want to be held. When physical stimulation causes local release of NO, inhibition of PDE5 by cialis 40 mg […]
when you’re exhausted from wiping snotty noses and have, in fact, caught the kid’s icky bug? Well, you don’t do math, that’s for sure.If your me, you let the kids make a mess with crafts and read them lots of history stuff. History is fun! My head is all mushy like someone stuffed a banana […]
MTG left today for a 5 day business trip. The Bulldozer woke It seems weird how canadian viagra 100mg one medication can trigger another health problem that too needs medication for recovery. While some men suffer from these sildenafil without prescription problems in their lives. Not only will you save costs on the medication but […]
My girls are still swapping the icky virus, taking turns being sick, giving me one day of false hope, then doing it again. It’s enough to drive a girl crazy. MTG is traveling. He’s in Virginia for training and went out early to see old friends. (Hi, old friends!) He was going to stay with […]