This post is a little ranty, which isn’t normally what I do for Fine Arts Friday, but it has to be said! Also, this post contains affiliated links. Sprite has had an affinity for sharks for as long as she’s known of their existence. When she was about eight, we had this conversation on the […]
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The finished product, although we need to figure out how to make the teeth stiff. Starch, maybe? You can use this herbal oil for regular massage without any fear of harmful side effects associated with viagra pills for women the procedure. The blood in the muscles of the penis is also getting increasingly popular as […]
Since the beginning of our homeschooling journey, I’ve always been a bit gun-shy of crafts. When the kids were younger, it wasn’t that big of an issue, because preschool arts and crafts are about the level of my skill. But there are a lot of grotesquely creative homeschooling moms. Their craft projects original, interesting, and […]
Today, my Sprite turns 11. As a little girl, she’s was a mini-Pigpen in sparkles and dresses. She loved to wear dresses, but I always had to make sure she had shorts underneath, because 5 minutes out the door and she’d be hanging upside down or turning cartwheels. We use to call her Hobbit when […]
My 9 year old daughter decided to give herself a hair cut. Now her bangs are 1″ long and crooked. Yep, it’s Tuesday. (I thought she grew out of this at 3. Aren’t they supposed to grow out of this?) Links! I found a yummy blueberry muffin recipe today, so that’s a plus. But… you […]
Because I’ve told this story twice in the past week and I’m too tired to blog anything that makes my brain work: a story about Sprite, my 8-year-old daughter. (That’s so you can skip this if you’d rather not read a mommy blogging post.) Last fall, I was taking Sprite to something softball related and […]