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It’s baking day! Pecan pie, apple pie, French Silk pie, and cranberry bread are on the agenda. We’ll also be participating in the greatest of all Thanksgiving traditions: exploding cranberries. Preparatory links! We saw Day of the Doctor on the big screen last night. It. Was. Awesome. Take a quiz to find out which Doctor […]
We have a mess of propositions and some bond initiatives for our city. I really ought to decide how I’m going to vote, huh? Here’s a round-up of voter guides from the conservative/libertarian perspective. They really don’t like the water initiative. Wherever you are, go vote for something. Participatory government links! Spaced-Out Challenge: Thar be […]
Which one is more over the top. This Or This?Go vote. (Lazy blogging, I know, but I’m 8 for 8!)
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