Just what is the plan here? What is the purpose, the ultimate goal of “engaging the culture”? Do we merely want to be fairly represented or even merely understood? Or is it something more? Do we want to change culture, to affect the path that our culture takes? Cole Streeper, one of the Misfits gang, […]
The idea of teaching fine arts to our children can be intimidating. The term calls to mind images of well-lit studios, beautiful (and expensive) instruments, and advanced knowledge and skills that require an expert to teach. (That’s not actually true, as I’ll demonstrate with my exquisite in-expertise in coming posts, but we’ll save that for […]
I’ve been writing about how we can engage the culture by emphasizing that the most useful tool we have is storytelling. However, it’s not enough just to have good stories to tell. They have to be heard in order to make an impact. You need an audience. Unfortunately, there has been a tendency for Christians to forgo […]
A couple of weeks ago, I looked at the question of what it means to engage the culture. I proposed that, if we want to be shapers of culture, we must tell great stories. The current cultural landscape seems not only to have abandoned almost every virtue that Christians hold dear but to have abandoned God […]
I’ve been ruminating on this post for over a week now, and it has taken quite a different turn from where I started out. I’m saving all those other, somewhat controversial thoughts, and maybe I’ll do another post later. After our electoral loss in November, conservatives and others on the losing side began to do […]