Maybe it’s the heat, but I believe in moving as little as possible in the summer. In fact, if I had my druthers, we’d lay around all day on or near water reading books and sipping icy drinks. Or better yet, eating snowcones or Blue Bell ice cream. But, alas, sometimes summer storms will thwart […]
Are you having a busy summer? Well, stop it! This years theme is lazy days of being a bum. For example, don’t you want to spend your summer weekday mornings watching kids movies? Sure you do. Lots of theaters offer summer movie programs for kids with discounted or even free admissions. Generally they show movies […]
As part of our lazy days of summer, we read a lot. We also read in the not so lazy days of spring, winter and fall, but that’s not the point of this post. Anyway, there are tons of great summer reading programs, some greater than others. Pizza Hut Book It Sweepstakes entry. eh. Half-Price […]
This is officially the first day of the Thompson Family summer. Of course, the past two weeks have been filled with first Cub Scout Camp and then Girl Scout Camp. Many people would consider that to be a summery activity. However, since it involves tons of work and driving all over creation for me, it […]
To begin: I love people from the Midwest. LOVE them! I married one and am close personal friends with many others. Just jolly, marvelous people who occasionally eat food that gives me nightmares. (Two words: lutefisk hotdish.) But, people. People, people, people. Your vowels are one of the most confused thing on this planet. Bag, […]
The boys and I are watching Pinky and the Brain, repeatedly. I tried getting them to watch Animaniacs, but Bulldozer “HATES those guys.” He either loves or hates everything now, so neither Warner Brothers nor Warner Sister, Dot, shall entertain us. Only the mice. But boy, do I love those mice, they make me giggle […]
Today my daughters left. On a jet plane. They’ll be back on Sept 6. So, not so much like the song. They’re spending a week with their grandparents in Minnesota, then we’ll drive up and spend another week before heading home through Mansfield, Missouri and this lovely locale. We’re also going to the Minnesota State […]
I’m finally back to my regularly scheduled program after being at Girl Scout Twilight camp all last week. “April,” you ask, “I know you are young at heart and all that, but isn’t that pushing it?” Hahaha. Very funny, sarcastic blog reader. I was volunteering. And I did have an outrageous amount of fun. So […]
I had planned a low-key, lazy summer. We traveled all winter and spring, driving probably 7,000 miles in 6 months. We are traveled-out and have no plans for any more trips. (Except one very important family thing very close by. But that doesn’t count.) I had hoped for a mellow summer. Perhaps we’ll do a […]
We’re back from a long trip to Minnesota, then further into Minnesota (Duluth), and then back to Texas again. We drove more than 3,000 miles. We have seen the breadbasket of America and the results are . . . This polo tablet should not exercise along with other drugs such as azole antifungal medicines; nitroprusside […]