My eldest daughter and I are doing yet another sugar detox. I want bread. I want a croissant. And some cereal. And a bagel. And a cookie. But noooooo, it’s all sugary and not on the list. Honestly, if my kid didn’t do this with me, I’d have fallen off the wagon on Day 2. […]
This post contains affiliated links. Title: Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business Author: Neil Postman What’s it about: See above cartoon. Actually, it’s really about how the changing technology of information transmission has changed how we learn, think, and live. Or as Postman put it, “I will try to demonstrate […]
We spent last week cleaning, reorganizing, and painting. One of our painting projects was the girls room. The girls have a lot of stuff. A lot of little stuff: craft stuff, stuffed stuff, papers, memorabilia, etc. etc. It’s one thing to haul all that stuff out in big heaps and stash in a corner. It’s […]
It has been a hectic, crazy, busy, insane (redundant much?) time in our household. Thus, I’ve not blogged and have missed out on some fun. For example, Dana at Principled Discovery has been celebrating Home Education Week in Nebraska with a series of post and inviting others to join in. Very cool. I missed it. […]