Over the past week or so, my family has been fluviated. First MTG went down, the Satchmo, then me, then Bulldozer. The girls are prancing around like they’re Wonder Woman. Women. Smarmy little hearty immune systems. (For those keeping count, MTG got the flu shot, the kids got the flu mist, and I got nothing. […]
Yesterday, we spent the morning driving all over North Texas on a series of errands: library, Hobby Lobby (my girls are trying to cover our house in yarn, like a house coozie), and the thrift store. Then the boys and I dropped off the girls and went to speech and to the best smelling store […]
Last night, the Leonid meteor shower peaked. Despite being bone tired, I duly set my alarm for 1 a.m. But at 1 a.m., that part of my brain that would really like just five minutes of peace and a good night sleep for once, dangit, said, “Don’t you dare.” So I didn’t. There should be […]
Our kids have been going with us to vote all their lives, often getting to push the final “submit your vote” button. Is that voter fraud? Moving on! My favorite voting experience was when Little Miss was about four. We had one of those lucky breaks where every line has a long wait except for […]
I’m not saying the camel has a broken back. I’m just saying that’s a lot of straws. The end is nigh links! I wished for a Khan Academy for sewing on Twitter, and *poof* a friend pointed me to Craftsy. I know what I want for Christmas! New degrees challenge “time-served” model. I don’t know […]
Today is my 600th day of consecutive blogging. It’s not really an anniversary; it’s just a nice looking number. Very round. 600. Six hundred. DC. Well, that ruined it. Arbitrary goals links! Combining exercise and art. Major kudos to this guy who drew a bicycle on a map by riding 212 miles in a day. […]
The temperature has finally dropped below 70, the (male) church musicians have pulled out their flannel shirts, and the leaves are … still as green as ever. It’s a Texas fall, y’all! Go to sleep, people! Maps of average bedtimes and hours of sleep indicate we are not a well-rested country. I want this for […]
My eldest daughter and I are doing yet another sugar detox. I want bread. I want a croissant. And some cereal. And a bagel. And a cookie. But noooooo, it’s all sugary and not on the list. Honestly, if my kid didn’t do this with me, I’d have fallen off the wagon on Day 2. […]
If civilization isn’t constantly on the offensive, nature will overwhelm us. Likewise, if we aren’t constantly on the offensive against life, it will eat into your schedule. In other words, I had some time free up yesterday, but somehow that time disappeared under the tentacles of life. Like sands through the hourglass links! I’m just […]
I often hear the suggestion/command to “get out of your comfort zone,” by which is meant introverted/quieter folks need to be loud, boisterous, and overly chatty with perfect strangers. But I never hear extroverted people to “get out of their comfort” zone. I never hear people who crave the presence of others to spend time […]